the recap for may 1999
main page

    May 1 - the to-do list
    May 2 - mysteries old and new
    May 7 - election: the review
    May 8 - the mummy: the review
    May 9 - bay area: city of cows
    May 10 - bay area: strange behavior
    May 11 - bay area: mr. grant
    May 12 - bay area: welcome to the web page
    May 14 - bay area: the galaxy riders
    May 16 - bay area: the 1999 bay to breakers
    May 17 - never get caught
    May 19 - the phantom menace: the review
    May 20 - trekkies: the review
    May 23 - cryptonomicon
    May 24 - yuppie fun tickets
    May 25 - multitasking
    May 28 - the courage of your convictions
    May 30 - celebrity babies

Copyright 1999 Diane Patterson

Send comments and questions to