25 may 1999
and single-tasking.
The quote of the day:
Fellow student in class:
"You are a master of suspense and have an easy style, it just flows."

Oh go ahead. Make my day.

Running news:
3 miles.

I multitasked this morning, trying to get everything done before I went to get Tiffany for lunch. Simultaneously I:

  1. dealt with the alarm guy, who'd come to fix our alarm system,
  2. talked to Pooks about some pages she was working on,
  3. made a few edits on my script, per Darin's suggestions, and
  4. worked on my critiques for novel writing class tonight.

I don't recommend doing all of those things at once; you start to get confused.

 * * *

Well, Novel Writing class left me feeling grand, just grand this evening. Is it bad for me to tell you that? I grew up thinking it was bad to proud of achievements, which led to some serious cognitive dissonance when you're getting straight A's and number one in the class. That? Oh, that's nothing. Pride is not an emotion encouraged in girls, methinks. It's not ladylike.

Everyone really liked the third chapter of my novel. I mean, they all had criticisms, some of them even the same criticisms that had crossed my mind after turning it in, things I would have changed had I given more time to the endeavor.

(That's one reason that I didn't strut around a lot, I think: I do things so quickly that it can't possibly be any good, can't possibly be worthy of praise. I mean, to have achieved something, you have to slave and suffer for it, don't you?)

Anyhow, despite being told that there are things I need to change and things the readers still don't understand, I feel really good about this. I like being stroked and being told I'm a good writer. I can't help.

(If you turn up your computer's speakers really high, you can hear my purring.)

 * * *

Nope, "E-ticket" is not generally known, except as (and I'd forgotten this) "an electronic airplane ticket." Sigh. Another piece of Americana lost.

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Copyright 1999 Diane Patterson
Send comments and questions to diane@spies.com