17 may 1999
never get caught
like anyone's trying.

I am so far behind and I can never get caught up: I have to read Aaron's new script--yes, he's mostly done with a new one, and I think he's got a much better chance of selling this one; it's great--and Gonzo's rewrite of the first half. And that's just for today.

Michele wrote me last week to tell me I have to bring in new pages for next week's class. Already? I said. So I wrote 11 pages today, or Chapter 3 of the novel. At this rate, I might actually have a book.

In addition to having new pages, I also have to read and (it is to be hoped) review last week's submissions to the class. Not to mention the submissions the week before, which were reviewed the week I was gone.

Which means there will be no nap Tuesday afternoon, the way I wanted there to be. Why, you ask? Because after I finish with Novel Writing class in Westwood, I go over the hill and drive to Burbank, there to find my husband and assorted friends in line for (what else?) The Phantom Menace. Yes, we have tickets for 12:30am Wednesday morning, the second showing.

 * * *

Top ten thousand again! We rule!

PATTERSON       DIANE          6850 SHERMAN OAKS     1:22:19  9053
SHRIDAN         GORDON        61334 CUPERTINO        1:22:20  9065
TSUK            ROB            7678 CUPERTINO        1:22:17  9032

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Copyright 1999 Diane Patterson
Send comments and questions to diane@spies.com