My TV writing teacher said we could leave pages with her before the holiday and she would take a look at them, then call us with comments.
I'll take incentive in any form.
I wrote Act One of my ER on Tuesday. Sat down, did 15 grueling pages. Where is this going? Is this scene taking too long? Am I not spending enough time on this subplot? But I did my pages and got them to her office Tuesday night.
This took a great load of my mind for the holiday. I still have my Critical Studies paper to do, but I decided I would take a lower grade rather than kill myself to get it in on time. I only need a B in the class and I got an A on the midterm. I'm not unhappy with how that's going.
Biz class was an hour long review of material (clearly, the teacher didn't want to come in from San Diego County or wherever the hell he lives for class, so his TA got stuck with doing review for us).
After class, I had a long talk on the phone with Tiffany, in which we caught one another up on what's been going on. (Now that we live in the same city, even phone communiation is too difficult, let alone seeing one another face-to-face.)
She told me she's been learning Cantonese, which is a lot easier than she expected. People meet her and expect her to know Chinese; she's finally going to be able to oblige, which will come in handy, because she wants to use her new linguistic skills to reach out to the elderly patients of the Cantonese-speaking community in Los Angeles for health care. That Tiffany -- always doing good.
I told her about my frustrations re: exercise and weight loss (that is, that exercise makes me tired and I haven't lost an ounce since taking up running), and she said, "When's the last time you had your thyroid checked?" Hm. Well, that's something to think about -- I've had thyroid problems in the past.
Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics
Tuesday: 4.2 miles. Whoo hoo! I want to start moving to this kind of mileage after Thanksgiving.