Yesterday, Darin got the LASIK surgery done on his eyes. Things did not start off well; he went out to lunch with the Boys, and we were supposed to meet back at the house at shortly before 2 so that I could drive down to the eye surgeon's with him.
At shortly after 2, I got a phone call. It was Darin, he'd lost track of time, and they were on the freeway from Pasadena heading towards the Boys' house. The math was simple: Darin would have to drop them off, get back on the freeway, come pick me up, get back on the freeway and go to the surgeon's...
I rushed to my car and went to meet him at the Boys'. I was not happy about this. Of course, I was just a little apprehensive about the surgery to begin with.
We went and the whole thing took about an hour. I read People magazine and didn't look at the monitor showing the operation very often. I did notice that under the lights Darin's brown eyes looked green.
I took him home and stuck him into bed. He took his sleeping pill, but it didn't work; he just lay there with his eyes closed.
I went to the optometrist and got my new glasses, which are so much stronger than my last prescription they made me dizzy when I put them on. I actually wore the glasses driving last night to and from class -- I have never worn glasses while driving, at least not in the last 5 or 6 years. I discovered I have no peripheral vision.
However, I'm going to wear my glasses for a couple of weeks, before I get the LASIK surgery done, in order to get my eyes back to whatever their normal state is. I can't stand wearing glasses though. I'm way too vain.
Today I woke up about 17 times this morning. Evidently every time I woke up I asked Darin how his vision was. "Fine," he said, "and you just asked me that." Well, whatever.
At night he's supposed to wear plastic shields over his eyes to prevent his accidentally touching them. Evidently sometime during the night he took off the shields and put them on the nighttable, like they were glasses. Heh.
We went to the optometrist for the follow-up appointment, and it turns out that Darin still has some astigmatism and is slightly farsighted in one eye now. I thought that was wild: go from nearsighted one day to farsighted the next. "It happens," said the optometrist, "although I'd be really surprised if it happened to you." (Because my eyesight is so bad.)
We went to have lunch at Zankou Chicken, our new favorite fast food joint. I go at least once a week; Darin probably goes 2 or 3 times. I like the way the garlic permeates your entire body.
Since getting home I've been struggling with my ER outline -- when I told Linda about it on the phone last night, she made a very good suggestion that I haven't been able to implement yet. Darin's been doing something or other that involves a lot of roaming the house -- he bought some new games, but he can't spend a heck of a lot of time in front of the computer as of yet.