20 May 1998

x The Paperwork.

Finish Somehow

Or is that "Somehow Finnish," a poignant tale of Scandinavia?

..previously on the Paperwork

Index of days
Dramatis personae
Glossary of terms

Hey, Jesec, is that you peeking in from USC?

Today was spent getting to the end of Act III on the Rewrite Script. Well, more specifically: getting to the end of Act III, procrastinating getting to the end of Act III, and telling myself how much my Act IIIs suck. But other than that...

Tomorrow I print out a couple of copies, give one to Linda, get her feedback, incorporate my own notes, and then print out a nice fresh copy to run over to the chick at ICM.

Career Notes

One of the professors who voted for a rewrite called today to ask if he could show my script to some producer friends of his. I savored the moment, believe you me. (I have since found out that he called all the students with "girl scripts"--what a letdown. But hey, the more people who read my stuff, the better.)

I got the script in the mail and then got a phone call from the producers--could they send a messenger by to pick up the script? What a pain--I had to print out a new copy of it. Oh well. But now I have had my first messenger stop by. Isn't that exciting?

Michael the Messenger

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

2.5 incredibly wimpy miles, mostly due to a killer side stitch I got. What up with that? So today was neither a long, slow run nor a short, hard run. Clearly, the new pattern starts tomorrow.

             Paperwork continues...


Copyright ©1998 Diane Patterson