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2 june 2000 |
busy bee
playing catch with up. |
One year ago: Thank goodness for portables. Two years ago: Rate your earthquake. Three years ago: Diane studies the yellow pages. |
Been busy. Yesterday I had yoga class (it's almost like a habit now! yay me!) at which there were six other baby-mommy pairings. Sophia is not quite at the point where other babies fascinate her: I would bring her right up to another baby and she'd be staring off in some other direction. After class three other mommies were heading off to get a cold drink and asked if I wanted to come with. I am no dummy: "Sure!" So we went down to Art's Deli and chatted. Two of the moms knew one another from Gymboree, and another pair of them knew one another from Weight Watchers. We discussed sleeping through the night and breastfeeding. What can you expect from relatively new moms? Of course, isn't a get-together with a bunch of babies a perfect time to take the Picture of the Day? Of course it is...unless you're me, in which case you've forgotten to put the card back into the camera, thereby rendering your nice new digital camera totally useless. Sigh. I had Sophia in her car seat -- having forgotten both the sling and the car seat stroller, dorky dorky dorky -- and boy, is that combination heavy. One of the other moms asked me if I wanted to run down and get my car and come back to the Deli to get Sophia. I said, No, we were fine, and I toted Sophia back to the car by myself. I hate to admit this, they seemed like very nice women, but I'm not leaving Sophia with anyone! As far as I'm concerned, even Darin's suspect until proved innocent. I came home utterly exhausted. Sophia came home ready to par-tay. Which was good, because after I fell comatose for about an hour, it was time to get packed up and ready to go to a party at Nancy's house. Nancy, who is insane and invites millions of people to her house for no good reason other than she thinks it is fun, had a party for Anna of Lucidity. So there were lots of other people there: Tamar, Chuck, Mo Pie. (And probably a few others whose names I didn't catch and I am too shy to ask anybody to repeat his or her name. Yes, I suck.) Darin and I, however, had the ultimate conversation starter with us: the center of the universe herself. She was on her best behavior too, until it got to be a little late for her -- usually she drops off around 8 at night, wakes up to nurse around 10, and then drops off again until 3. At 9 she was tired and she was hungry and she became a very loud, very unhappy camper. After Darin changed her diaper her screams could be heard throughout Nancy's house, at which point I heard them and went running. I sat with her in Nancy's bedroom and nursed her until she managed to calm down. It took quite a while, which teaches Mommy a lesson about not meeting Sophia's needs immediately. (I feel the need to note, whether you believe me or not, that Sophia's screams were among the loudest and most vociferous Darin and I had ever heard -- she usually doesn't go that long without her needs being met, trust me!) ![]()
I was so busy yesterday, I don't even remember what I did on Wednesday. Part of the reason for this is that Sophia's schedule has changed again. I'm not really aware of it as it's changing, I'm only sort of aware that things are different. In the beginning she was asleep all the time. Then there were the marathon feeding sessions. Then she was awake some, asleep some. Now she has two big naptimes, neither one set in stone: morning and afternoon. Sometimes she sleeps for an hour, and one time for four hours. So I can't say, "Okay, it's four o'clock, she'll be asleep." Maybe, maybe not. ![]()
The answer to Tuesday's question: The Bandai Corporation will give a bonus of $10,000 to an employee for the birth of every baby past their second child. Japan has a terribly low birthrate, and it's not a nation that welcomes immigration from other countries, so there are movements under way to encourage a higher birthrate. |
Copyright 2000 Diane Patterson |