As you might be able to tell, I finally got around to redesigning my page. I went over to Ceej's yesterday and we spent about four and a half hours doing the index page and an entry page. It was raining heavily and we drank a lot of tea.
The especially exciting portion of the afternoon was when the roof sprang a leak right over the power outlets for their synthesizers and computers. Ceej asked Lance to go up on the roof and tack some plastic over the leaky spot.
Lance's response, more or less, was: "How about not? It's raining." They put a couple of buckets under and tried to move the wires out of the way.
I finally left because I was incredibly hungry. I was so hungry that the cats stopped looking furry and started looking like a snack. Cat-on-a-tortilla-chip. Puss-in-a-blanket. You get the idea.
Because of this starvation we did not get around to redesigning the People and Glossary pages. Give me a little time.
Thursday, as you might recall, I took Donut into the shop to see if they could fix what ails it. They had Donut all day. When I picked the PowerBook up, they said, It never crashed, we couldn't find anything wrong...but you owe us $35 for running diagnostics on it. Fine, whatever. I took Donut home, fired it up...it crashed twenty minutes later.
I was not happy.
I called them up on Friday and read them the Riot Act. The guy on the other end asked if I was nearby and could take it in again, I said no. He said he'd remove the charges. I said, Good idea.
I might take it in tomorrow, but only if I can bring it in already frozen. I don't need this crap.
Friday afternoon I crashed at two in the afternoon I literally couldn't keep my eyes open a minute longer. I slept a long time and woke up to a rescue call from Darin, who wanted to go to dinner. I asked him to ask if anyone else wanted to go. The usual suspects showed up: Ceej, Sho, Greg, and Michael Sclafani. We first wanted to go to Sundance Mining Company, because Greg wanted meat, but Sundance was packed. We headed over to the new location for Gaylord Indian Restaurant, in Atherton. It was quite good, although we ordered too much nan. How can you order too much nan? I don't know, but we did it.
Darin's parents are here for a week, visiting Darin and Mitch and an area of the world where there aren't 15 feet of snow everywhere. His Mom's out shopping and his Dad is channel-flipping. If Darin doesn't have the control his father does. It's terrifying. I may go mad. Is it some kind of male dominance thing? "I shall control this television, bend it to my will. If it does not please me, I shall change the channel."