April 15, 1998

x The Paperwork.

A Wee Funk

Nobody in here except the tired, the poor, the hungry, and those hiding from Uncle Sam.

..previously on the Paperwork

Index of days
Dramatis personae
Glossary of terms

I found a bag of Halloween candy that I did not distribute to the tiny tots last Halloween, and I started eating it. It was stale, and I kept eating it anyhow. I finally forced myself to throw it out--in the kitchen garbage, which is just unseemly enough to keep me from digging through it, as opposed to my office garbage, which is dry and sanitary and I could easily take candy out of it.

(Like I said to Rob and Laura last week, I'll be happy if I get out of this month without a 5 or 10 pound weight gain.)

I'm an unhappy camper at the moment. I don't know why I should be. I'm scared, I think. I have to finish the Rewrite Script, and I got a grand total of about 2 pages done today, instead of finishing the re-rewrite of one-half of Act I, as I had planned.

I also have to rewrite my Raymond script and I haven't even looked at it since I turned it in two weeks ago.

Tomorrow I'm bringing a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne to Thesis Class. There should be enough champagne for the 7 of us, with no refills. Which means no one will get toasted and everyone should be able to drive home. I doubt we will have much of a class tomorrow--either people are done (like me) or they're going to stay home and work or they have stuff they want to go over. Maybe it'll just be me, Linda, and Len, and there'll be enough champagne for the 3 of us to get silly and tell really evil stories.

I'm in a weird mood right now.

Linda said she talked to Len yesterday and one of the things he said to her flat-out was that her script was not ready to show to producers (a couple of whom keep asking to see it--sigh, that'll happen for me one day too, someone will ask to see my script).

You're only a virgin once in this town, and you'd better make your best impression that first time. (The metaphor kind of breaks down there, doesn't it?) But you'd better have your best stuff when you send it out--no one wants to hear, "Oh, I did a rewrite on that since you saw it." If you were going to rewrite it, why did you send it to anyone? And if you made any significant changes, you have wasted the time of the person you asked to read it.

They won't forget that.

I tried to meditate yesterday. I forgot to today (I guess I still could, before Law and Order). So far: I'm not very good at it. It's really hard to keep my mind empty--it keeps racing off in all sorts of directions, and considering it's spring, you can just imagine the directions it's racing off in. (It might help you to narrow down the topics if I tell you I had nothing to do with our taxes this year.)

I find I'm the kind of person who would rather buy books on how to meditate than actually do the meditation. And considering that Darin and I are about to explode the seams of our house with books, buying more books is not a good idea.

(What are we going to do when we have kids? A 4-bedroom house is not going to be big enough.)

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

Regained 2 pounds this week. I can see that this "eating food" thing is going to be a bumpy ride for a while. I had a long discussion about stress eating with a dietician at the diet center.

Monday: 3.5 miles.

Yesterday: 4.2 miles.

Today: the gym and weights. Finally.

             Paperwork continues...


Copyright ©1998 Diane Patterson