The NaNo Progress Meter site seems to have disappeared, so I will post totals here throughout the day.
9:45am: 47672 words, 2400 to go. This seems entirely possible. Even though I still don’t know whodunnit.
10:00am: 48001/1999.
11:15am: 49121/879+ to go. It would have been a while ago, except from 10 to 10:30 I played Spaceward Ho. (Why? Why do I do that? In the middle of writing, gotta go play a game. What’s up with that?) In other news: I now know whodunnit! Which requires me to put in a lot more stuff to set it up! Which should take care of those 879+ words no problem! The only down side is that I have to go pick up the kids soon and I won’t get a lot of writing done once that happens until Darin comes home tonight.
11:30am 49341/659+: Awk! I have no steam! Part of this is having already done 2500 words this morning, sure, but I could be done. But the end is in sight. What’s going on? The whole “And then they get run over by a truck” thing is looking more and more appealing by the second.
11:50am 49653/347+: A little over a page to go, but I have to run out and go get the kids. Maybe Simon will fall asleep on the ride home from school and Sophia can be talked into watching a show so I can finish up!
2:07pm 49963/37+: And I have to get Sophia to her dance class! But I can clearly do 40 words before midnight tonight. Unless I fall into a coma from exhaustion the way I seem to be threatening to (didn’t I get sleep last night? what’s going on?).