In case you’re wondering why I haven’t posted, Excuse #1 is that I’m a lazy SOB. Excuse #2 is that we’re all sick. This isn’t flu season, is it? The kids have diarrhea (but nothing else, which means I have two very energetic kids I have to watch like a hawk). I have an upset stomach (last night I felt so nauseated I sent Darin out to the store for fizzy water), a sore throat, and irritated Eustachian tubes. I don’t know what’s going on with Darin—he’s still getting some sleep.
I need a mommy to come by and take care of us today. Darin’s going to go to work and I’m going to be here with the kids, with no energy and feeling like crap.
Update: Okay, this has been a Bad Mommy day. I don’t think I exactly have the chills, but it’s 70 in the house and I need a sweater. I have a throbbing headache. I couldn’t take the kids anywhere if I wanted to. Basically, I’ve said, “Tell me what you want me to put on,” because that’s about the extent of what I can handle right now.
Simon’s definitely too sick to go to school tomorrow, unless he shows miraculous improvement in the next 18 hours. Of course, his energy and attitude are fine; it’s his intestinal tract that needs work.
A friend called today, and when I mentioned I was nauseated she said, “Oh, morning sickness?” No, not morning sickness. At least, I don’t think it is. Wouldn’t that be ironic, given the planning that went into having the first two? The three main reasons we aren’t going to have more babies: 1)we already got the two most perfect babies in the world; 2)I’m not at all sure I could deal with three, given how neurotic I am with two; 3)I had nine months of terrible morning sickness with Simon (after only 4 to 6 weeks with Sophia) and really, really cannot face doing that again.