I’ve been spending quite a bit of time over on LiveJournal recently  not only have I been doing Deathless Pose (errr….or I will be doing it again, as soon as I get my proverbial excrement together), but there are a number of fansites over there for all sorts of things, like Veronica Mars (after much urging from Tamar, Darin and I finally sat down and watched our Season 1 DVDs… which quickly led to us buying and watching the Season 2 DVDs… which led to us watching all of Season 3 to get caught up… it’s a good show, check it out) and Heroes and Battlestar Galactica. Yes. I know. I need a life.
Anyhow, since you can do things like have extra-special bffs over on LJ, I’ve posted my recent writings (short stories and plays) behind LJ locks. If you’re interested in finding out whether I can, in fact, write worth a damn, let me know and I will add you to the friends category so you can peek behind the curtain.
This means I have to join LJ, right?
I believe it does. More accounts! Yay!
Yay for Veronica Mars. I bought the season one DVD set after watching a few episodes by, ahem, unofficial means. Mars Investigations is AFAIK the most comprehensive fansite, and it has some very amusing character profiles (including one for Beaver in the form of his LiveJournal).
P.S. Correct link for that character profile.
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