No, not yet another political blog… this is about moi, your genteel hostess (almost wrote gentile hostess, and I am that too). I will be out of touch for the next week. Not posting, no mail, very little to no iChat (and that only to communicate with my running buds Rob and Nina).
I have been doing The Artist’s Way for the past couple of weeks—mainly by doing the morning pages, three pages written in longhand first thing in the morning, often while I’m still in bed and bleary-eyed and periodically falling asleep over the book. But I’m doing some of the exercises too, and the big one for Week 4 is: Reading Deprivation.
Total reading cold-turkey.
I am the sort of person who has a book in her hand as she walks to school to get her daughter. This is going to be…interesting.
I’ve already come to the conclusion that I have to schedule the reading of blogs and websites, because I’m spending too much damn time on it every day to no other purpose than filling me up with a lot of tsuris* that, frankly, I just don’t need. My brain doesn’t need to be stuffed with data 24/7.
We’ll see how this goes, at any rate. I’m already looking around for a notebook to do my fiction writing in this week, just to avoid putting hands on the keyboard.
* No, I’m Gentile. Honest.