Yes, I’ve finally reached my limit on spam.
I use Apple Mail, which is a great little program: it “learns” what junk is and stores it in a Junk folder, which you can peruse at your leisure—although, with 300+ messages going in there per day, I didn’t peruse it too often.
(Eventually we’re going to get a more robust mail server, which hopefully will weed a lot more of this crap out, but for the moment I’m relying on other tricks.)
However, I was still getting 100+ messages in my In Box every day, most of which were spam but were, for one reason or another, not getting flagged as such. So I borrowed a trick from Darin’s mail rules and said, If the mail’s sender is not in my address book, put it in the box “Unknown Sender.” I do have to check this box more often, but at least my In Box isn’t quite as heavily burdened.
If anyone is sending me mail about this site (or the Calvin Klein Skirt) though, I may miss it, depending on what the Subject line is. (I suggest avoiding “Hi.”) So I said to myself, “Self, you have as many e-mail addresses as you want. It is time to set up a dedicated e-mail address for people who actually want to talk to YOU but whom you don’t know yet.”
So: if you’d like to drop me a line, please mail it to:
n k a -a t- n o b o d y – k n o w s – a n y t h i n g . c o m
Yes, you have to type it in, and yes, you have to figure out what part of the e-mail address gets replaced by the character found at shift-2. But if you really want to talk to me, this is the way.