Holy crap. I currently have 51 blogs on my Lefty blogroll. Here are the first 18. I’ll get through them, I’ll get through them…though not all tonight.
(Alas, A Blog through Kieran Healy)
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Welcome to Diane Patterson's eclectic blog about what strikes her fancy
Posted on Written by Diane
Holy crap. I currently have 51 blogs on my Lefty blogroll. Here are the first 18. I’ll get through them, I’ll get through them…though not all tonight.
(Alas, A Blog through Kieran Healy)
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Posted on Written by Diane
In which I continue my tour of my links. I’m doing all of the links except the lefty blogs in this one. (Those are going to take a while, so like all good procrastinators I have put them off for a while.)
Crazy Apple Rumors: What needs to be said? This site frequently has me in tears, from the Steve Jobs breakfast watch to the description of the 120″ Powerbook that requires four men to carry it to the Definitive Guide to Avie Tevanian. I don’t think you have to be Mac fanatic to enjoy this site, but why else would you go?
Dave Barry: You read his columns. Now read the blog!
Fanatical Apathy: A lefty blog, but one that makes its points with screamingly funny sketches and essays, not to mention the Sims version of the State of the Union. Adam Felber is also a regular on “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me,” my favorite NPR show.
Neal Pollack: Hilarious. He’s funny. His guest hosts are funny. Neal has something to do with Dave Eggers, but damned if I know what. Or care.
Poor Man: Andrew Northrup came up with the Pacino Theorem. Need we say more? I think not.
Suckful: Eclectic. Offensive. The whole Vin Diesel thing—what up with that? But intermittently hi-fucking-larious.
Alice Bachini: A libertarian/right-wing homeschooling mom in the countryside of England. I look in every so often, but a multi-author blog she helped start, Rational Parenting, gets more of my attention.
Brian’s Education Blog: Brian is one of the co-authors of Samizdata, so as you can expect he’s a bit libertarian. Plus, he’s another Brit. Intelligent—always provides me with food for thought, even if I don’t agree with him.
Daryl Cobranchi: Daryl’s a homeschooling dad, and homeschooling is the focus of this journal. He finds the best collection of links on homeschooling.
Education Weak: One of these links I consider dumping every so often. Good collection of links, but she’s definitely on the right side of the spectrum and has scary headlines like, “Why I Like Jeb.”
Michael Peach: A British homeschooling dad who’s very funny. Reportedly he’s considered right-wing in his country, but around these here parts he’d be considered a lefty pinko.
Our Horrible Children: A blog devoted to the disgusting results of having “zero tolerance” policies at schools around the nation and how a desire to be “tough on crime” has led us to some incredibly stupid behavior.
Rational Parenting: Multi-author blog devoted to “Constructive consentual coercion-free problem-solving in all areas of family life.” Pro-child, pro-attachment parenting. Also, looking for more authors.
A Coffee Odyssey: A blog devoted to (wait for it) coffee. Hasn’t been updated since Dec. 20, sadly.
bread, coffee, chocolate, yoga: A blog devoted to the important things in life, plus bread and yoga. Fortune concentrates pretty much just on these four topics, but the stuff she has is great!
Food Blog: A food blog devoted to recipes and food news. Very tasty. The font is too small, though.
In My kitchen: Deb makes a recipe, describes the process, and gives you pictures. What’s not to love?
Joanne Jacobs: Every week I consider deleting this blog. Pro: Joanne’s concentrates on the Bay Area, most of her links are about education, and she’s a frequent poster. Con: so annoyingly right-wing she ended up with the right-wing blogs instead of the education blogs. Says stupid things like “Islam turned (Richard Reid) from a small-time loser into a (would-be) mass murderer. This counts as a save?” Does she say similar things about Christian crazies? (I’ll let you figure out the answer to that one.)
Samizdata: Multi-author Libertarian blog mostly out of Great Britain. Eclectic topics, from video games to the Iraq situation to general Libertarian causes like “privacy.” (Remember when conservatives were big on that? Sigh.) Often annoying, always thought-provoking.
The Volokh Conspiracy: Another multi-author blog, written by people on the whole much smarter than the average bear. Interesting perspective on things, particularly as the lead blogger, Eugene Volokh, is a law professor at UCLA.
Posted on Written by Diane
I have so many blogs in my blog rolls that even I don’t know what’s there. I can’t blame you for feeling overwhelmed and scared at the idea of wading through them. Actually, I’m a little overwhelmed by them sometimes, which is how I came up with the idea of going through them and figuring out why I like them and nudging you in that direction too. Or deleting them off my blogroll, whatever.
So forthwith, I give you a tour of my blogs. It will take a few days to get through all of them.
This is the catchall blogroll, the one where I put blogrolls that don’t go in one of my other categories.
Boing Boing: Eclectic collection of links, primarily high-tech oriented. Also, everyone links to Boing Boing, and I hate to be left out
Bookslut: If I’m going to claim to be a “writer,” I should at least have one site primarily devoted to writing, no? Writing, writers, books, book reviews, snarky remarks about pseudo-intellectuals. Also: the term “bookslut.” What’s not to love?
Ceejbot Ceej’s weblog. What, I have to explain this?
Copyfight A blog dedicated to intellectual property issues. Happens to be an interest of mine at the moment.
Gawker A weblog devoted to Manhattan. Its self-description: “a live review of city news, and by news we mean, among other things, urban dating rituals, no-ropes social climbing, Cond� Nastiness, downwardly-mobile i-bankers, real estate porn — the serious stuff.” This is completely accurate.
Language Hat A blog devoted to language! Finally, my degree in Linguistics comes in handy. Actually, no, it doesn’t—most of the time I haven’t the foggiest what language hat is talking about, but this is one of those occasions where I like that feeling, because I might learn something.
Late Night Thoughts… A truly smart, excellent journal, filled with great writing. Lefty, with a highly personal slant.
Long story; short pier Excellent writing. Highly political and personal. Has thoughtful analyses like this.
Paper Bent A new addition, still being analyzed. To the good: writer, mother, good sense of humor, like me interested in homeschooling. To the bad: refers to self as “Household vice-president,” husband as “Household president.” Leaves me squicky feeling.
Patrick Nielsen Hayden A blog about random stuff, along with a lot of political stuff. More personal than a political blog, which is why it’s here instead of my list of leftie blogs. Plus: a great list of links.
Pepys Diary The required reading of the blog world. I should check it more frequently than I do. Probably that “should” feeling is what’s keeping me from doing it.
Peter David Writer, talks about shows I like. What’s not to love?
Political State Report A multi-poster blog keeping track of political developments around the nation. Not a daily check for me, but somewhere neat to check to see whazzup.
Rebecca’s pocket Definitely eclectic collection of links. The sort of blog I expect most blogs to be, only better.
Riba Rambles Rambling and ambling around, picking up links here and there, making personal comments on them. I’m not deeply in love with this blog, but I’m keeping it for a while.
Soapboxgirls Found this one by hitting a random button. It’s pretty much what it claims to be, “women’s passions and politics,” without being aggressive or in-your-face like so many political blogs.
Surfin’ Safari Dave Hyatt’s blog devoted to his work on Safari. My hubby works on Safari. Do the math.
The Flick Filosopher MaryAnn Johanson does it with style. “It” being watching movies and style being text like this: “Are there three more terrifying words in the English language than “Jerry Bruckheimer Presents”? (I know, you’re thinking, “What about ‘A Michael Bay Film'”? But that’s four words.)” She evidently sees all movies and has a witty word or two (or hundred) to say about them.
the talking dog Okay, for one thing, the font size is too small. And that dog pic: man, that’s aggressive. But it’s odd and funny and has lots of links.
While putting this list together I cleaned up my list of blogs (shortened it a bit) and figured out what I like about these. I know I have to split this up even further, I just can’t figure out how. So for right now the first list of blogs is the “random assortment list” and that’s how it’s going to stay.