I think I’ve discovered the new VRWC meme going around: the Bush administration is “scandal-free.” I’m reading Susan over at Suburban Guerilla this morning, and she goes off on George Will for saying:
George Will on C-SPAN this morning: “There have been remarkably few scandals in this administration, compared to others.”
Then Avedon at The Sideshow points me to the article “Ire To The Chief” from The Washington Post, which contains this:
Bush’s administration is free of scandals.
Huh. Really?
Well, the next time you hear this meme, let loose with Suburban Guerilla’s handy off-the-top-of-her-head guy to W’s “scandal-free” administration (and feel free to add more in comments, with links to an article or webpage, please):
1) Iraq and the non-connection to 9/11. Many, many dead soldiers and Iraqi civilians as a result.
2) The missing WMDs.
3) Halliburton.
4) Outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame.
5) Abu Ghraib.
6) Supreme Court appointment of Bush to the presidency.
7) Cheney’s secret energy task force meetings.
8) Patriot Act abuses.
9) Ahmed Chalabi.
10) Sibel Edmunds.
11) Political purging of Florida’s voting rolls.
12) Illegal executive order dismantling the Presidential Records Act – thus shielding Reagan, Bush I and Bush II records from the public eye.