You think to yourself, Surely there’s got to be a bottom, a level even the person you think the worst of would stop at. And you would be wrong.
The ultimate in It’s-Not-My-Fault:
“I don’t think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees.”
You don’t need me to tell you that yeah, they kinda did, George. But you had “other priorities.” You had that fucking legacy you’re so fucking concerned with.
Or the director of FEMA, on who they’re trying to help:
“…to help those who are stranded, who chose not to evacuate, who chose not to leave the city…”
Who chose not to evacuate. Goddamn, there is no level to which they will not stoop? Look, all you have to do is get in your SUV and drive away. Is that so hard? Oh, I bet you just wanted to stay in the waist-high polluted water and steal stuff, didn’t you. ‘Cause you chose to stay there.
And in this time of desperate hell, happening right here in our own country, the chairman of the Republican Party—you know, the party that has all the power but apparently none of the responsibilities—brings up his greatest concern: the elimination of the estate tax. He sent out this missive today. This is not something that’s been “in the pipeline.” The Republican Party decided to hit Send on this puppy today.
There is no level beyond which they can sink.
Oh, wait. Maybe there is:
Lawmakers have to ask themselves if it’s worth sinking possibly billions of federal dollars into rebuilding New Orleans, a low-lying city which would remain a vulnerable hurricane target even after clean up, House Speaker Dennis Hastert said Wednesday.
“It doesn’t make sense to me,” said Hastert during an interview with the Daily Herald editorial board. “And it’s a question that certainly we should ask.”
Because, you know, with the tragedy still unfolding, with the resources not yet there—why didn’t you send them five days ago, George? Why? They have phones in Crawford! They have phones in San Diego!—we should just say, Fuck it. Let’s just leave the whole stinking mess there. Screw ’em; they chose to stay there.
We have a government run by sociopaths. Newsflash to those who don’t understand what’s going on: sociopaths cannot feel. They do not give a flying fuck about anything except themselves. People dying? Who cares. Now watch this drive.
Update: Slightly edited to remove usage of a Republican propaganda term in favor of its more correct label, “the estate tax.”