We came, we ate, we left. Never took Latin, can’t give you the cute version.
We had a splendid time down in Los Angeles. We stayed at Maureen’s magnificent house, where Sophia and Rebecca played for 14 hours a day (clearly Sophia was trying to make up for lost play time) and no one got any sleep. We visited with a few of Sophia’s friends, including Tamar’s Damian, and we had dinner with Fernando (he of the plaintive comments in the previous entry).
On Saturday I took a 4 hour nap with Simon while Sophia played with Rebecca. It was heaven.
Driving back yesterday was not quite as much fun as driving down was. For one thing, I knew what I was in for this time. For another, we were doing it in the middle of the day, so the kids were awake and vociferous. The hour or so stretch where they both napped was lovely, because it happened through the Pacheco Pass, which when not at a complete standstill is a very beautiful drive.
I learned a few important things while I was down in Los Angeles. One is, I miss my friends from down there more than I knew. (And I didn’t plan this trip at all well—Michele couldn’t make time to see me because the visit was so last minute. Waaah.) Two is, I don’t miss LA at all.
Despite the various hardships of this move (yes, yes, I know: on a scale of “the life of an heiress” to “life is Appalachia” this move is closer to the former than the latter), Silicon Valley really is better for me and better for the kids. As I drove down Ventura Boulevard I thought, God am I glad I don’t have to drive this every day any more. There are huge open spaces near where we live. I often can’t tell where I am on the freeway because there are too many trees. I always knew where I was in LA because you can always see the buildings.
So now if I could only get all of my friends to move up here…