Darin just got a phone call. A guy Darin used to work closely with at General Magic died. Just…died. (In case you used to work at Magic, his initials are PG.) His wife woke up and he was dead.
He was Darin’s age. My age. He was in fantastic shape physically. He was fabulously wealthy, had a wife and young child, a house the rest of us will pretty much only dream about.
And he’s dead.
We hadn’t been in touch with him for a little while—moving to LA (on our part) and a radically different career path (on his)—separated us. But there are all those similarities between him and Darin, and I cannot fathom losing Darin when the kids are tiny like this.
I’m still pretty flabbergasted by this news.
Update: Scott Knaster has more, complete with more details.