Since an MT employee stopped by to say howdy and ask about some of the things I said in this entry, I figured it was only fair to post an entry about how MT’s been working for me since I got it, you know, working.
It’s great.
If you use MT, upgrade to 3.2 Especially with the licensing sale they have on. I guess I should get a license, if my brother-in-law’s singing group is still doing a blog. (Aha! They aren’t! I should get on the stick.) The integrated commenting features alone are worth it! I was very happy that MT-Blacklist gave me some control over comment spam, but MT really seems to have a handle on spam now. I haven’t seen one get in in the past couple of days, and I’ve deleted a hundred or so from the “Junk Comments” area.
I still think MT uses way too many resources building and rebuilding entries, so whenever I see the spinning wheel of doom, I do something else on the computer for a while. But I don’t think it’s that much worse than previous versions of MT. And considering the extra features? Totally worth it.
Just remember: if you do that upgrade? BACK ALL OF YOUR BLOGS UP BEFORE DOING A DARN THING. Seriously. Don’t make me cry.