Yes, it’s that time of the year again. I’d been looking forward to this for some time, at least for the past month, when I realized I really needed to take a break from the novel I’ve been working on since last Nano and work on something new for a while.
Well, I guess it’s kinda new: it’s in the same series as last year’s. (It’s a mystery series.) Same main characters, different crime. And so far I’m 5005 words into it, so I guess I’m having a fairly good time so far! I want to get ahead of the game a little, especially in regards to Week 2 (when everyone hits the Wall and has no idea what to write) and Thanksgiving. But hey: 2500 a day, I’ll be done by November 20th.
Well, it could happen.
Writing is never like “taking dictation” for me. I read that over and over again from various people. What it’s more like for me is that I see a scene and I try to write down what happens, with enough set decoration to set the stage and enough internal monologue to provide a little humor along the way. I’ve never been given a plot in one single lump — I always have to play with things to put it together. Apparently I am not on a hotline to Inspiration Central: everything I come up with comes from me, not the Great Ether.
Of course, if the Great Ether wants to show up and help out and give me a little boost, I am all for it.
And now, after 3200 words today, I am going to go take a little break.
Update: I have no idea if I’ve mentioned this before, but my handle on the Nano boards is “Dianeofnka”, in case you want to friend me. And let’s face it: it’s all about having long friend lists. And the 50,000 words, of course.