I used to speak German  I probably wouldn’t call myself fluent, but I did well enough to argue with another German when I was drunk, to always end up speaking German after the Germans had exhausted their English, and once, when hanging out with a bunch of other Germans, they guessed everything from Norwegian (I’d dyed my hair blonde) to Dutch to Canadian before finally guessing American. (Sadly, this says more about the state of Americans leaning the language than it does about my abilities. Still.) But I haven’t done anything in German for the past 10 years or more.
So last night I have a dream in which I’m trying to get to Berlin and I find a book entitled something like Berlin auf Fluchthaft. I looked up “fluchthaft” in Babelfish and it gave me “escapeful”; the various dictionaries on-line gave me “No such word, bucko.” However, there are several pages (via Google, natch) that use the word “fluchthaft.”
Is “escapeful” the best translation for “fluchthaft”? Or does it mean something else in slang?
ETA: My father-in-law says it means “something that keeps you from fleeing,” from Flucht=flight and Haft=arrest (or constraint). So now I am really wondering what that dream meant!