Cabin in the Woods is a horror film co-written by Joss Whedon that reinvents…err, reinterprets…uh, gives a new spin on the familiar summer horror movie. College kids go to a remote area in the woods, where they are picked off one by one by evil, possibly supernatural bad guys. Who will live? More importantly, who will die, and in which order?
The movie tells you right off the bat that Something Else Is Going On: it opens in a scientific facility somewhere, where three white-collar types have the world’s most boring and most content-free conversation in the history of cinema, signaling that they’re talking about Something Else, something that will be made clear later on. The conversation is so ridiculously non-specific that I can’t, in fact, even remember what it is they talked about.
Cabin in the Woods has some very funny things in it, and some very clever things in it, and it has one thing in it that bugs the ever-loving crap out of me, to the point where I think I’m more irritated by this movie than I am amused by it. All Sunday night and early Monday morning I happened to spend sick as a dog, and the whole time I spent vomiting or laying awake waiting for the next time I was going to start vomiting the single biggest annoying thing in this movie kept repeating on me, much like the previous night’s dinner.
Since I can’t talk say anything about this movie without using a gigantic SPOILER ALERT consider yourself warned: here there be major freaking spoilers.
The main thing that bugs me about this movie is the use of the word “whore.”