The Paperwork

What Am I Doing?

It's not clear to me either.

Today, I'm doing homework. Well, actually, in writing this entry I'm procrastinating and avoiding doing the homework, which of course is a writing assignment. Let's see: why did I come to Los Angeles? Oh yes...WRITING!


Yesterday I networked and interfaced and, oh yes, took a two and half hour nap. Once on Terry Gross a sleep expert said that taking too long of a nap was a problem -- I can't seem to take anything except long naps though.

Today I procrastinated and cooked and spent 3 hours in a chat room with some friends. Some of whom live less than 5 miles from here. I deliberately spent the whole day so as not to take a nap -- I don't want to sleep my life away.


I got together with a couple of other students to do our first production project, which was to do coverage for a short scene. We had to include a wide shot, over the shoulder shots, and crossing the axis.

We met Linda's apartment in West Hollywood. She told us it used to be a bordello, and then a home for starlets (the same thing?). We talked for a while before Glenn showed up. I really like Linda, because she's a little older than the majority of the students in the program and she's had life experience. We talked about the directing/acting class and I mentioned the whole acting thing that upset me so much the other day. One of Linda's degrees is in therapy. She asked me what about the whole incident upset me so much.

I know the answer to this, by the way.

"I'm incredibly insecure. I don't know why Darin is with me and why I deserve to have him."

Nothing like honesty for a little bonding, I guess.

Glenn showed up and we shot the three scenes, each of us appearing in two other scenes. (Mine had two pickpockets stealing from one another simultaneously.) We had a good time doing it -- they're good partners.

As we were breaking up, Glenn mentioned that he and his roommate were having a party that evening and he gave us the directions to his apartment. Linda said that she was going to a play, but she might show up afterward. Having a party to go to sounded pretty good to me -- better than staying home all night.

I got home and found a message on my machine about the One and True Elinor's 2nd birthday party, which was currently in progress. I had Bunchkin's birthday party marked down for the next weekend. Oops. So I went over to the Boys and partied down with Bunchkin and friends. (Bunchkin's best word is "Mine!") Mostly I ate Cheetos and talked to Fernando, Mike, and Brent. I watched the water balloon fights (Bunchkin's way of tossing a water balloon involved dropping it on the grass and letting it splash all over her) and got involved in the "Pooh movie generation" game. The theme of the party was Winnie-the-Pooh, and one of Elinor's presents was the video "Frankenpooh."

This was all some of the adults needed:

and the clear winner:

I went home after a couple of hours at the party completely drained. I came home and Darin called as I was crawling into bed. We chatted for a bit, but then signed off because he was going over to Rob and Laura's and I was tired.

Next thing I knew, it was 9pm...when Glenn said his party was going on. I debated with myself on whether or not to go or to stay right where I was and go back to sleep. I decided to go to the party.

And I'm really glad I did, because though the contacts I made -- yes, at a fellow student's party! -- might not pan out, I need all the practice I can get at parties. (I also need cards to pass out. I've been working on the design, but I haven't made any yet, dammit!)

I met one man who works in business management who knows people, and another student who likes the same kind of movies I do, and so we talked about collaborating on a screenplay. I got excited about the idea, although I don't know anything about collaborating -- the one experience I've had with collaboration was a disaster, because I didn't set enough ground rules and I was too nice. Can't do that again.

I came home and talked to Darin again, but this time he was too tired.


Woke up and did some housekeeping -- paying bills, writing a few letters that needed to be written. Even started writing this entry. Then I started to do my homework.

Procrastination city.

Maybe I should do this. Maybe I should do that. Before I knew it, I was at IKEA buying some kitchen equipment I was going to need to make the fried rice I wanted to make for dinner.

I came home and tried to write again. Then I started making dinner and got on AOL to chat with a bunch of the old homies from GEnie. We chatted for three hours.

Now I'm going to get something written before I go to bed. Must. Write. No point in making contacts if I don't have anything written.

I better get this posted before it's already Monday.

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Last Updated: 8-Sep-96
Copyright ©1996 Diane Patterson