The Paperwork


This is the way rumors get started.

Augh! I am very excited about a rumor I read about in today's Daily Variety that involves the production company I intern at, but of course I didn't read it until after I interned today, so I couldn't ask if it was true. It's very big news if it is, especially for me, because the rumor involves another production company that makes one of my favorite television shows. When the rumor either comes to pass -- or doesn't -- I can post the details here.

Other than that...interning runs between the interesting and incredibly mundane. Today I made five copies of the hottest spec property on the market (including one for myself -- hey, I'm entitled! -- and yes, the rumor does tie in to this), twelve copies of a script the prodco is developing (the printer started spitting up at me, it was so mad at having to make 12 copies), and I went to Chow's to pick up lunch for one of the execs and the newsstand to buy magazines.

Hollywood, she is so glamorous.

I don't think I've mentioned how Kathryn prepares labels for the many packages (of scripts, natch) we send out. She uses a device called a "typewriter" to type out the name and address of each recipient individually. They have Macs and printers in the office, but they don't have laser-ready mailing labels. This seems silly to me.

And surely FederalExpress (how did Hollywood get by before the advent of overnight?) has software to print out your FedEx form for you?

I make myself crazy sometimes. I planned out on a calendar everything I have to get done in the next two weeks. It isn't pretty. I told someone today that if I can take enough speed to stay awake between now and, say, December, I can just about catch up.

The production class dumped another winner of an assignment in our laps today. Our dialogue scene is due a week from today (and I have to film it next Monday -- sure, I'll have it edited and transferred to VHS in time, hahahahaha) and three weeks after that he wants...a documentary! Two ideas occurred to me, but like everything else in Hollywood (listen up, this is important) it's not the ideas, it's the execution. In my case, the time to make the documentary, let alone put any feeling into it.

Have I complained about the incredible superficiality of LA's local newscasts? But of course I have. Today Greg sent me mail asking what I meant by the phrase "it's not enough to have her be a tough, uncaring bitch; she must be a tough, uncaring birth" -- babies on the mind? (Don't bother checking; I've changed it.)

Well, yes and no. That complaint in yesterday's entry about the intense coverage of the non-events surrounding Madonna's baby was not just Diane being silly. One station gave the FIRST 10 minutes of the 30 minute 11pm newscast to babytalk: live shots from outside Good Samaritan hospital and videotaped interviews with relatives of the baby's father.

Folks, no matter how much we may joke about it as a culture, in fact Madonna having a baby IS NOT A SIGN OF THE APOCALYPSE. She's a broad who had a brat, okay? Enough already.

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Last Updated: 16-Oct-96
Copyright ©1996 Diane Patterson