The Paperwork

Chatty Lambs

Sitting around, thinking about the deep things.

Darin and I are watching The Silence of the Lambs. I really love this movie. A non-boring, well-organized, well-written movie that deserved to get all the acclaim and awards that it did.

We haven't done anything today, and that's just fine with me. We went out to lunch at Kirk's Steakburgers and then dropped by Darin's work so he could pick up some stuff that he had left there. I stayed in the car so that he wouldn't be tempted to sit down and do an hour or five of work. We came back here and read comics, drank apple juice and napped. Sleepy Saturday.

Haven't done the work I need to. I have a lot of writing to do. A lot of everything, actually. My PowerBook is crashing a lot -- everytime I put it to sleep it goes bye-bye. Now that's annoying.

I've been feeling so much fear recently. Fear about the small stuff, like getting my assignments done. And the bigger stuff, like will I get a screenplay finished? Will I be able to sell one? Can I make a career of this? Can I make a career of this and have a family (as I'll have to do this decade)? Or is The Paperwork going to be a record of my exploding into tiny little bits? (I haven't even mentioned the feelings of can I write/do I have anything to write about that are weighing on me, as usual.)

Periodically I swing to the other side of the pendulum's arc too -- I get massively egomaniacal and think, Gee, I'm incredibly wonderful, I can do anything. The joys of being bipolar, I guess. Though Darin, for his part, wouldn't call some of my more extreme behavior "enjoyable".

(Jonathan Demme uses continual extreme close-ups in this movie. I'm sure this has been analyzed to death too. For a movie about psychological, as well as physical, horror, Demme wants us right in there, up close and personal in the actor's face, with the actor looking right at the camera. I've noticed in my own videos I shy away from using close-ups, and in my last piece I really needed it. Must not be afraid of the close-up.)

Other than having way way way too much sitting on my mind right now -- story of my life; I have the hardest time being in the moment -- I'm having a very good weekend with Darin. I don't get a hell of lot done when I'm near him though.

Forgot to describe last night. (Duh.) Darin wanted to make dinner for Rob and Laura, since they've made dinner for us (and for him, especially since I've been gone) and he wanted to make matzoh ball soup because he knows it's my favorite and he wanted to see if he knew the recipe by heart. Rob and Laura brought over the chicken stock, which they made from chicken backs and necks.

This soup was pretty damn tasty. Darin may feel free to make it any time he likes.

After dinner we made hot fudge sundaes and then watched the season premiere of the X-Files. The first person who can tell me what the hell happened in it should win some kind of prize. Maybe one of the staff writer slots on the show.

Then, because we're just a bunch of wacky kids, we watched the director's cut of The Abyss and then a little documentary about the making of the movie.

We finally called it a night when it was 2:30 in the morning. Whoa.

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Last Updated: 5-Oct-96
Copyright ©1996 Diane Patterson