31 May 1998

x The Paperwork.

An Entire Month

Chalk one up in the meaningless statistics column.

..previously on the Paperwork

Index of days
Dramatis personae
Glossary of terms


I've posted every single day in May! Whee ha!

Now the next level: actually write the entry for the day on the day, instead of playing catch-up here and there.

Kind of a boring day. I did my fast run in the morning, then I did some reading, surfed a bit of the web (I have got to find some new fresh-content-near-daily sites--I kept tuning into the same journals over and over again, wondering, "Have they posted something yet?"), went for a drive on the other side of the hill and discovered my dream home up a private street where I could have been arrested for trespassing, came home, watched the finale of Larry Sanders (which was more satisfying than any other finale this year), and finally am heading off to bed.

At 10 pm. That's a little weird. Weird early, that is, not weird-to-go-to-bed.

Hey, tell you what: you give me some ideas for fresh-content-daily sites. I'll tally them up and post them here. I'll look at all of them, but I won't grade them or anything. Or hell--I will put up mini-reviews of some of them.

Mini-review Number One: The Onion is still the funniest fucking thing out there.

America Online had better fix this verkakete communications problem pretty damn soon.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

3 miles, but I did them as fast as I could, and I came out with 26.37, which for those of you keeping score at home is just under 9 minutes a mile. Which makes me very happy.

So, according to the running pattern: tomorrow is a day off, and then Monday is another long run day. I hope that I am able to run a bit farther than I was yesterday--I'd like, ideally, to do 8 miles.

             Paperwork continues...


Copyright ©1998 Diane Patterson