16 May 1998

x The Paperwork.

Diane Goes To Rob and Laura's

It's like a jet-set lifestyle, only without the fancy in-flight service.

..previously on the Paperwork

Index of days
Dramatis personae
Glossary of terms


Every day I am getting a huge quantity of hair in my comb. Mind you, I still have tons of hair on my head--I'm not worried about going bald. But the amount of hair began to worry me. I asked Linda, who is obsessed by her hair (she says that's a Sagittarian trait...ummm, okay), and she didn't know.

I asked Laura, whose astrological sign I don't know but who does know quite a bit about hair, and she said, "That's a side effect of the (liquid) diet. It'll stop now that you're off of it."

Well, and not a moment too soon, I might add. I'd like to keep some of this mane of hair I've gotten.

Yes, today I flew up north to stay at Rob and Laura's house. We made jokes about how we have to plan what we're going to do next weekend, seeing as how we have seen quite a bit of one another recently.

It was a pretty low-key day. Rob picked me up at the airport, we drove home, then Rob, Laura, Nutmeg, and I went to Coffee Society for a midafternoon snack. (Nutmeg ate more than any of us, I think.) Then we walked back to their house and I said, "I really need to take a nap."

Seconds later, Laura knocked on the door of the guest room and said that dinner was ready. She told me I'd been out for an hour. I think they just changed all the clocks.

After Rob's wonderful dinner of saffron linguine with porcini mushrooms and asparagus--note to self: make Rob cook more often--we went to their new discovery, Lappert's, for ice cream. Despite Laura and my best efforts, we only got one helping of ice cream each.

We rounded out the evening watching Terminator 2 and getting licked by Nutmeg. It was pretty low-key, overall. The biggest excitement was Nutmeg playing with her new toy, but that's always pretty exciting...at least, for Nutmeg.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

5.3 miles. And boy, are my arms tired.

             Paperwork continues...


Copyright ©1998 Diane Patterson