I received conditional acceptance to the Often webring of journals, because (sob!) I fall just short of the 20 entries a month average. Those last couple of months at USC did me in, I tell you. The ringmistress tells me my average is 17 entries a month, not the necessary 20, though I have succeeded in the no more than 4 days without entries and my entries are usually long enough.
Okay, here's a math problem for y'all: I have one year's worth of entries (anniversary: June 5th! Par-tay!) that average out to 17 entries a month. That means I need another 36 entries to bring that year's average up to 20, yes? Which means, if I have perfect attendance for the next 4 months, I will get to 20 entries. I think. (Calling Ceej, calling Ceej: you were a math master, yes?)
Or I have to figure out some way of doing more than one entry a day.
Quantity, not quality.
Our house is infested with flies. There are so many flies free-lance exorcists are showing up at our door with emergency rates -- Beelzebub wants his minions returned, no questions asked. These aren't teeny little flies, either. These are giant flies, the kind of flies that beat up on smaller flies for their lunch money. Other bugs rope these flies in bug rodeos. Steven Spielberg is using these flies for his next creature movie.
Darin has killed something like 20 of these things today, and I've freed about 3 (mostly because I can't bring myself to go any closer to them than opening a door near them). We cannot figure out where they're coming from or what we can do to keep them away. I could understand one or two flies coming in when we walk in from the outside, but to cover 25+ flies we need swarms to get in without our noticing. Have any ideas about what we can do?
I'm sitting here watching the Giants' game on ESPN and I realize that the only two guys on the Giants I recognize are Barry Bonds and Dusty Baker. This is depressing.
Also depressing is my right hand is starting to hurt, on the center of the back of the hand, between the first and middle fingers. I don't think it's from typing; I think it's from playing Nethack, which for me is very right-hand intensive. I guess if I'm going to continue to play it I've got to change the keys and avoid strain.
Why hasn't any computer manufacturer made keyboards that emulate the old IBM Selectric?
Ninety million dollars, one weekend.
The next time you ask yourself, Why are movies so bad? immediately ask yourself: How many times did I see The Lost World? Or Did I enjoy Mission: Impossible or any of the host of other big blockbusters that made zero sense?