22 june 1998
a good run
Diane enjoys the little things.

The quote of the day:
Each lawn had a little tin sign planted in it. They were from three or four different home-security companies but they all said the same thing. ARMED RESPONSE. It was the epitaph of the city. Sometimes Bosch thought the Hollywood sign should be taken down off the hill and replaced with those two words.
   -- The Concrete Blonde, Michael Connelly.

Running news:
5.3 miles.

Pooks has informed me she's a REDHEAD, dammit, not a brunette, and wants to make sure you know it too.

I've decided to go with D. C. Patterson as my professional name. It feels less like cheating than, say, adopting a new first name. I don't know how people change their names so easily.

For the first time in weeks I had a really good run this morning. I didn't feel the need to slow down or get that crankiness that sometimes sets in. I kept a pretty even pace the entire time and stopped for nothing save traffic lights not going my way. I'm psyched.

I don't know whether it was the early hour--I was ready to go at 6:30--or the pain killers I took right before starting--I'll be checking that out again, believe you me, even though I don't usually have any sorts of pains while running. But I had a good run and I feel as though I've already made an accomplishment for the day.

Of course, after starting the day so well, I ended as a big lump. Basically, it's Darin's-coming-home-today-and-I-can't-think-about-anything-else!

I called the Chick at ICM and she hadn't read the Rewrite Script yet. At least, that's her story and she's sticking to it. So I'm not dead there yet. Yay.

I read A Simple Plan by Scott Smith. I bought this book years ago and never read it, even though it's totally my thing. I realized why I've given up on it twice before, despite the fact that it's well-written: all of the characters are unpleasant; there's no one to root for. According to the gossip on Ain't It Cool News, the movie version is supposed to be very good (coming out later this year), so I look forward to that.

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Copyright 1998 Diane Patterson
Send comments and questions to diane@spies.com