June 10, 1996

Fun with HTML tables and hernias

Even if they kill me, which they might

This is hard.

Web page design. Layout. Creation. Tag closure. The whole nine yards.

I am determined to get The Paperwork up on my page today. Or tomorrow. Whatever. Gotta make sure all the links work. Gotta make sure the diary page template looks okay. Gotta design the button bar for the bottom of the diary page -- and for someone who's artistically impaired, that's quite a trick.

I really have to come up with easier obsessions.

In other news

I talked to my GP today and she gave me confirmation -- the swallowing and digestions problems are, in fact, caused by a hiatal hernia. A hiatal hernia is when the stomach has squeezed up through the diaphragm. It is as unpleasant as it sounds. She gave me a few ways to handle it:

"Does it ever go away?" I asked, naively.

"It comes and goes."

Oh cool. Just what I wanted to hear.

The most interesting thing about this conversation was how hard the dictum to lose weight was to hear. It's definitely one thing to be an American female and feel it incumbent upon one's self to lose weight and be preternaturally thin all the time. It's quite another to have a Voice Of Authority tell you: guess what snookums, you have to lose weight for your health.

My inner response being, of course: I'm not fat! Aha, now the truth comes out; maybe I go on and on about my weight and my looks all the time to get attention. Hm. Not a pretty thought.

Last Updated: 12-Jun-96
©1996 Diane Patterson