Lazy Saturday

Imagine if this had been an actual life

It's Saturday morning and I barely feel like moving. I managed to ooze my way into the living room from the bedroom and I've planted myself on the chair, pursuing my favorite non-aerobic activity: Web browsing. I've been up for close to a half hour now and I'm wondering when it's time to take a nap.

During my web browsing I've been hitting every journal that I check out daily, looking for updates. Nothing. So I checked out my two sources for other Web journals, Andrew's list and Bernie's list. I seem to have a great need lately to listen in on other people's lives. I wonder what this means. (Note: you don't have to send me mail explaining what it might mean; I know what it probably means. It was a rhetorical comment.)

Upstairs I hear the sounds of Darin creating and managing heaven and hell. No, no, not the real heaven and hell (although he would be better at running those than Some; perhaps this would stem from the fact that he doesn't believe in them) -- Heaven and Hell as imagined by LucasArts in the game Afterlife. Their version of SimNetherRegions.

Last night Greg came over and the three of us went out to dinner at the Diner in Los Gatos. Then, for the big fun, we played some of Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within and Afterlife.

(By the way, Greg has added an update to the tale of his attack and what happened afterward. Check it out.)

The original Gabriel Knight was one of our all-time favorite computer games, so we were eagerly anticipating the sequel. Sadly, however, Gabriel Knight is made by Sierra, a computer game company that has evidently never hired a decent Mac programmer or even one tester. Sierra games crash continually, and the only way to get them to run at all is to boot without extensions. Afterlife is incredibly well-made, as are all LucasArts games -- evidently, they have taken the time to seek out and compensate good Mac programmers -- but it's kind of dull, in the way all Sim games are. (How this explains Darin playing it upstairs as I type this I'm not willing to say.)

So what we decided was, the fun game had a terrible implementation and the boring game had a great implementation, so overall the game haul rated "mediocre."

Later this afternoon a group of friends is coming over and we're going to play some board game. Usually I try to come up with "something else I have to be doing" when it comes to these situations, because I get very tense and very competitive while playing these games. Bursting out into tears is not unheard of for me, particularly if Darin, Mr. Competitive Alpha Male himself, is also playing (which he will be). I love him anyhow.

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Last Updated: 13-Jul-96
©1996 Diane Patterson