January 31, 1998

x The Paperwork.

The Return Of Kevin Spacey

I never did find out how tall he is.

..previously on the Paperwork

Index of days
Dramatis personae
Glossary of terms

Long time readers have noted my obsessions with various actors from time to time--they're so frequent, I'm afraid, that I've stopped mentioning them; trust me, it's just as well you missed my Anthony Hopkins Phase, Part II.

At one point I became so obsessed with Kevin Spacey that I asked Greg, who had access to WGN at a time that I did not, to tape all of the episodes of Wiseguy in which Mr. Spacey appeared and ship them to me in LA. And trust me, I watched them all. More than once.

(I have since discovered that Greg did not get them all! So I have to stay glued to WGN, which I now have, in case the cycle starts up again. And I've moved Greg several thousand rungs on the Close Friends ladder for that little slip-up.)

Kevin Spacey came to USC yesterday for the Friday interview series. And he is just a doll in person. Very funny, very relaxed. (True, he might have been...acting!) He did his Christopher Walken impression, along with a Jack Lemmon impression and an Al Pacino impression.

During the Q&A, Glenn asked (for his girlfriend): "What's Brad Pitt really like?" (This got quite a laugh from the crowd.)

    He's bald and he has no penis.

Spacey talked about Hollywood and how all the stuff outside of the work interferes with just doing the acting. His best story was how he got the role of Jamie opposite Jack Lemmon on Broadway in the mid-80s--he simply would not give up until he got it or was rejected by the director. A lot of people stood in his way but he kept going, including forcing his way into a cocktail party he wasn't invited to. Who knows what happens when you try this stuff and you don't have the talent, but you have to do this when you do have it, I guess.

What astounded me (and a few other people) was that there were more people there for Kevin Spacey than were last year there to see Mel Gibson! It was crazy. Lots of people hung around afterwards to meet him--including a number waiting outside the conference room. There was such a crush, as a matter of fact, that I skipped out--which is why I don't know how tall he is. (Not very, I do know that, but probably taller than me: 5'10" maybe?)

             Paperwork continues...


Copyright ©1998 Diane Patterson