January 27, 1998

x The Paperwork.

Slightly Better

I'm not someone who naturally looks on the bright side, but there you are.

..previously on the Paperwork

Index of days
Dramatis personae
Glossary of terms

In the Good News department, Scott of The Days and Nights of...Me! (and my dog) has discovered the culprit who attempted to defame me. You can read all about it on his January 24th entry.

I love happy endings. (That's why I want to work in Hollywood.)

In other good news, as of today, three weeks into the diet, I have lost 12.8 pounds. For those naysayers amongst you out there, it's all muscle and bone, and I've been faking my ability to go for a jog.

Tiffany sent me a great article from Outside magazine about former triathlon star Mark Allen's current approach to fitness--to stay in shape, you need to work out some, not kill yourself. (I like this guy. I like this guy a lot.) He recommends two days a week in the gym lifting weights. Two days. I can do that. That's probably the point--start with what you can do. Give it your all on those two days, but you don't have to go 6 days a week. So I headed back into the gym today and lifted weights.

I re-downloaded my web site onto my computer. When I back Nero up, I back up the web site. I found a great utility that turns masses of text files into BBEdit files--now I just need a utility that turns masses of text files into BBEdit files with "soft wrap text" turned on. Sigh. Thousands of files, each with every paragraph streaming off into the distance.

Notes to self about what else I did last weekend:

Friday: Met with Naomi, talked more about what I have to do on the rewrite of my script.

Saturday: Hm. I have no idea. An entire day wasted? I can't believe that. Nonetheless, I haven't a clue as to what I might have done.

Sunday: Cried. Wailed. Pissed Darin off with my repeated inability to deal with the Nero situation. Salvaged some corrupted files off the hard disk, wiped Nero, started over.

I also discovered why I'm watching the Food Network almost exclusively these days. No, not just because it's food pornography, not just because that Emeril Lagasse is a kick in the pants...you don't get to hear ANYTHING about President Clinton. Nothing. It's the blowjob free cable channel.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

I wrote 8 pages today. Complete rewrites of pages I'd already written, of course, and then lost. Well, those original pages weren't so great--but I wasn't expecting the universe to be such a critic! Yes, I think the new pages turned out better. And I'm printing them out, just to be sure.

At the gym: 15 minutes on the bike, then my first round with weight machines in a year and a half. I'm not ready to jump back into free weights yet--first, the kiddie pool. I did one set on each machine in my program. Then it was Miller time.

             Paperwork continues...


Copyright ©1998 Diane Patterson