January 20, 1998

x The Paperwork.

How Charming

The web is playground for assholes.

..previously on the Paperwork

Index of days
Dramatis personae
Glossary of terms

Let me say this once, up front: if you've gotten a note in your guestbook recently from me, IT WASN'T FROM ME. Please remove it. Thank you.

Scott of The Days and Nights of...Me! (and my Dog) alerted me to the fact that someone calling him- or herself Diane Patterson, author of Why Web Journals Suck, had signed in his guestbook with the following extraordinarily charming response:

Yours is a prime example of why the majority of web journals suck. Thank you to my friend who pointed this out to me. I will be sure to use you as an example the next time I update. And I hope that braincell-squashed girl-wonder of yours got over her hissy fit by now. Tantrums are so mature...

I was glad that Scott could tell (or was pretty sure) that I hadn't left this.

For one thing, this comment is a piece of sucky writing, and I am a firm believer in trashing someone thoroughly, not lamely, as in my Reply to Todd Napolitano. I don't insult someone, and certainly not like this.

For another thing, I have NEVER signed in a guestbook in my life. No, wait--I think I signed on the Alan Rickman Fan Page about two years ago. But I don't have a guestbook and I don't sign in them. If I have something to say about someone's journal, I am honorable and either a)say it to their face or b)say nothing at all.

(And, for the record, I think Scott's journal is just fine.)

This "writer" whose taken my name--and I think I know who it is--is an asshole.

If you have received a less-than-charming guestbook entry from me recently, feel free to delete it. But please let me know where I've reportedly been.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

Ran 1.5 miles yesterday.

Ran 2 miles with Tiffany on Saturday. I didn't do so well. She corrected my form and I got so confused I could barely put one foot in front of another.

             Paperwork continues...


Copyright ©1998 Diane Patterson