January 15, 1998

x The Paperwork.

Behavior Modification

The true secret to how this diet works.

..previously on the Paperwork

Index of days
Dramatis personae
Glossary of terms

I've discovered how this diet really works: it's not the extremely low calorie intake after all, although that helps a bit at shedding the pounds. No, it's the behavior modification aspects--after drinking 7 shakes a day, I just don't want to consume anything.

I drink one 100-calorie shake every 2 hours. I picked this mostly as an arbitrary number and because Rob Petrie suggested it to me. 7 shakes, one every 2 hours, means that for the greater part of 12 hours I am doing nothing but eating, preparing to eat, or waiting around for the next mealtime. Doing anything--like going to movies, going to class, going to a movie class, whatever--becomes a pain in the ass.

As Darin pointed out, I'm spending way more time eating on this diet than I did off this diet. If I'm not fixing a shake, I'm making some mmm...salty boullion.

I have class today from 1 until 10. I will consume 3 shakes before going and I can take 3 shakes in my thermos. That leaves one shake for me to prepare on my own. Dump in some water, stir. Yum.

The secret to weight loss? Eat all the time. You'll get so sick of eating you'll never want to look at food again.

By the way, anybody know what happened to Gage Steele of Backstory?

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

Wow, do my thighs ache today. Rome wasn't built in a day--the running resumes tomorrow.

             Paperwork continues...


Copyright ©1998 Diane Patterson