Got on a plane, came home a few days after I left. I feel like a little kid who's coming home crying after a day of school. I just wanted to see Darin again. As an extra bonus, I got to see the gang too. I didn't think I would, because after all
they have this weekend off.
Am I ever going to keep this journal regularly again? I feel like I'm never going to get my computer back. (They now say they will FedEx it to me in Los Angeles when it's fixed...on their dime.) I have been writing quite a bit on paper, and about more than just my usual "Whoa is me" kind of thing. I wrote quite a bit about the lurid, prurient fascination the media and the nation is showing with the JonBenet murder. (In case you're dead or in another country, JonBenet is a 6-year-old who was murdered under very, very strange circumstances. She was a "beauty queen" a winner of beauty pageants for little kids. The news media just keeps playing these videos of her prancing around in those formfitting dresses and swimsuits like she's some 25-year-old hooker. It's horrible.)
On Thursday the professor didn't show up for Script Analysis class. Probably has that flu that is still going around. What we do in this class is watch movies twice: once for enjoyment, once for dissection. So on Thursday we watched Some Like It Hot for the enjoyment phase, and then we adjourned.
Yes folks: actual grad school course. But I haven't seen the dissection phase yet, so I could be knocked for a loop.