February 25, 1998

x The Paperwork.

A Modest Proposal

Very few babies are mentioned in the course of this entry.

..previously on the Paperwork

Index of days
Dramatis personae
Glossary of terms

I guess I'll have to drop out of the Often ring if next month has been as sparse as this one. It's not that I don't want to keep this journal any more as much as it's I don't have anything to put into it right now.

The most exciting external thing I did last weekend was go see The Wedding Singer (enjoyable fluff, but amazingly thin and padded painfully to stretch it to 90 minutes). These days, I am living an internal life--the famed "life of the mind."

My Mom calls me every couple of days and asks how I am. I say, "I've been writing." Not "I'm happy or I'm sad or Darin and I bought three new houses this week." I've been at my desk writing, wandering around thinking about what I'm writing, or watching TV (and then going back to my desk).

Not the stuff of exciting journal entries.

I think I have whupped my Act III problems, except for how to kill the bad guy--I even know how I want the bad guy to die; I just can't figure out a way, thematically, to get it to happen. Which gives me something to ask in tomorrow's class.

After last Friday's Graduate Student Association (GSA) meeting, I focused on the Feature Night party we were planning. Feature Night is a way to introduce our graduating class to the Industry: a meet-and-greet with agents and producers, along the lines of First Look, the much-hyped and much-attended yearly coming-out party of the Production program, held at the Director's Guild of America.

I couldn't stop thinking about this party--I kept thinking about the pros and cons of doing it various ways, particularly the cons of doing it the way that was proposed.

What was proposed:

  • have it at USC;
  • hold it at the cavernous Norris Theatre, with the cocktail party portion of the evening in the outside courtyard;
  • have readings of the "featured" scripts (probably, the honors scripts) during the gathering.

I felt this was unworkable for a few reasons, number one being that people don't like to come to USC unless they're going to the Shrine Theatre next door for the Oscars. We also wouldn't have valet parking--which is key for going out at night in this town--or alcohol (you can't use university funds to buy alcohol).

The other big problem: those readings. The readings were proposed as a way of "entertaining" the guests, of demonstrating our writing. And because UCLA does readings at their big Writers Debutante Ball, which is the same kind of party we're proposing only much, much better established.

I don't think doing something just because UCLA does it is a very good idea.

My way:

  • have it at Spago's, where evidently we have some in and could get it cheaper, or some other Westside venue where Industry people don't have to fall far from their offices;
  • have a meet-and-greet cocktail party in a real cocktail party atmosphere, where the guests can pay for their valet parking and cocktails, and we'll provide the hors d'oeuvres;
  • instead of readings, provide a real incentive for Industry folks to show up (yes, the big secret part of my plan, but more people from UCLA look in here than do people from SC, so...);
  • have Spago's elves clean up for us--the most important part, because our class is not a cohesive unit and the idea of "putting on a show" or more importantly "cleaning up after a show" is going to go over like a lead brick.

The idea of having it at Spago's was not original with me--someone else had proposed it at the meeting (Carolann, I think, which is why I wanted to give her the idea first). But pointing out all the pros of doing it my way was original, along with my idea of how to entice Industry folks in to meet us.

I called Carolann, one of the co-chairs of the GSA, on Saturday, and she sent me e-mail: she had laryngitis, so she couldn't talk, but she wanted to know what my ideas were. I wrote up the whole thing in an e-mail.

She wrote back that she really liked my idea--which, I must confess, surprised me and felt very flattering; I thought she'd hate my sticking my nose into this so far--and she discussed it with James, the other co-chair. (When she didn't have the laryngitis any more, I guess.)

Erica, an organizer for the GSA, called me and said she had to meet Justin to discuss Feature Night and Carolann had said something to her about an idea I had. So I gave Erica the short version over the phone and she sounded noncommittal. I knew that Justin was going to hate my idea--because it basically ixnays his pet projects for Feature Night, like the readings.

I saw James at class last night and gave him the proposal that I'd written up. (Where did I find the time? It's called, "Avoidance technique.") He thanked me profusely and said that he and Carolann thought it was a great idea.

So maybe something will happen with this because of my great idea.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

I lost 1.2 lbs. last week. Part of the problem is my body's slowing down, and part of it is that I didn't work out much last week and part of it is that I cheated a few times. I've decided to recommit, because I want to end this by the end of March.

I just want to get out of the 140s now.

             Paperwork continues...


Copyright ©1998 Diane Patterson