The household got woken up this morning by the arrival of the cleaning people. Hey, have a happy Christmas, and be sure to get to work the day after by 10.
Actually, Darin is upstairs working on his computer, and Steve is on the phone talking to a co-worker. And, now that I think about it, Darin was not, in fact, woken up by the cleaning people, but by a phone call from Rob, who was already at Magic and working.
So, in fact, I am the only lazy person around here.
Things got a little testy around here today okay, okay, I got a little testy. Darin started working upstairs as soon as the cleaning people arrived and he asked me, "Would you like to divide the pile of mail into bills, statements, receipts..." Would I? No, not particularly. Oh, do you want me to? Darin has ripped passive requests out of my vocabulary since we've been together, so it's weird to hear him use one.
Anyhow, I started dividing. When Darin came down to get the pile of bills he saw the pile of statements and told me that I should have divided them into regular statements and statements that need to be entered into Quicken in order to balance accounts.
How nice. Thanks, hon.
I was, while doing this, spending hours and hours of my life on the phone with various Apple help lines, trying to find out where I could go to get someone to look at Donut. One help line sent me to another, which sent me to another, which sent me back to the first. The nearest certified Apple service provider was said to be the Good Guys, over in Sunnyvale. Only they didn't deal with PowerBooks, no way, no how, and they told me to go to Fry's.
I came home and played games for a while. Darin needed to borrow Donut (who was working fairly steadily) because his computer broke down. I reaad some of Model, a trashy look at the modeling world. I can only read this book in small doses (I've had it for a couple of months now); otherwise I get ill reading about these stupid people's exploits. But it does provide my trash needs.
The 24th: Darin's birthday. We ended up getting take-out dinner from a Chinese restaurant a joke about what Jews do on Christmas that has gotten driven into the ground. (If I hear one more time that we're supposed to get Chinese food and go to a movie...) Mitch came over for most of the day and played computer games with Darin.
The 25th: Darin and I went up to my parents' house for Christmas brunch. I bought my mom a box of Godiva chocolates; my dad bought her a box of See's (my problem is genetic, y'see); my mom had bought a chocolate cake for post-brunch dessert. I started to go into sugar shock as we opened presents.
When we got home I fell into a nap. When I woke up at 6:20, I got dressed, ran out into the living room, and said, "Darin, you forgot to wake me up!" We were late getting over to Rob-n-Laura's, where Darin, his parents, Ceej, Lance, and I enjoyed some holiday cheer with the ever-excitable Nutmeg. We also enjoyed Laura's buche de Noel well, I enjoyed it, right up until Darin plunged a hypodermic needle full of insulin into my heart.
Ceej and I proved ourselves to be complete nerds by escaping to Rob's computer and checking out other journals. Darin, Rob, and his mom discussed cooking, which is another form of nerdery. I think Steve and Laura flitted between them.