28 april 1999
the furby
another random entry
Running news:
5.3 miles.

I wish I could take better close-up pictures with my digital camera--even fairly close to my subject I get a medium shot. (I had to lean way in to get a closeup of baby Grace yesterday.)

I laugh every time I pass this sign, but I realized as I walked up to it today I can't get a good angle--taking the shot across the street would make it too small, and taking it from underneath leaves it too dark. Nonetheless, here goes:

I don't know if it looks this way to you, but every time I pass this picture I swear the Furby is farting hearts. His right leg is just a tad raised and everything.

 * * *

When I walked back to my car, a homeless guy--older, maybe in his 50s, black with greying hair, a cane, and gold-covered teeth--asked me for some money. I stood there thinking, I've just taken some pictures with my digital camera and I'm going back to my Mercedes.

I gave him five bucks.

This makes a total of ten bucks I've given out lately and maybe fifteen in my entire life. Plus the ten I gave the valet instead of the one.

Another pedestrian walked by, nodded at me, and said, "That was nice." I sat in my car a few moments, trying to figure out whether he was being sarcastic or not. Yes, I worry about what random pedestrians think.

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Copyright 1999 Diane Patterson
Send comments and questions to diane@spies.com