April 8, 1998

x The Paperwork.

Midweek Recap

I am astounded (truly) at the number of paretheses I use in this entry.

..previously on the Paperwork

Index of days
Dramatis personae
Glossary of terms

Monday night Rob cooked dinner again: chicken breasts with sundried tomatoes and shiitake mushrooms steamed in foil, leeks, and potato puree with celery root. Laura told me the entire meal came out to about 300 calories, and I think she must have been funning me, because that entire meal tasted like a lot more.

After dinner I mentioned the few things we had on hand for dessert--including the pint of Haagen-Dazs chocolate sorbet I had bought to satisfy my craving for chocolate without doing too much damage to my diet (the sorbet gets so hard that all I can do is scrape off a few pieces, rather than getting a full serving)--and then I mentioned that we live near a Ben & Jerry's.

So we took an after-dinner walk to get ice cream. I read through the nutritional information the store had on-hand--want to know how many calories your favorite food at a fast food joint is? ask!--and decided on a small cup of the S'mores low-fat (which was 240 calories, but I thought that was okay, considering that I hadn't had a full dinner and had exercised that day).

We came back and played Mississippi Queen (a fun board game), watched The Practice, and then watched a terrible episode of Emeril Live. After having built up Emeril for Rob and Laura (who don't get the Food Network on their cable system), Darin and I were so disappointed by this flat, stupid episode.

The next morning we had to drive Rob and Laura (and Nutmeg--they insisted on taking Nutmeg with them) to LAX early, so I set the alarm for 6. Of course, I woke up at 5:30. I got in the shower and midway through the water got a bit chillier, which told me that someone (I knew it was Rob, given Laura's antipathy toward mornings) had also gotten in the shower. Neither Darin nor Laura showered in the morning, so the two people who showered managed to access the hot water at the same time.

I insisted that we stop by Pane Dolce for coffee, because I hadn't introduced Rob to their coffee yet and I wanted Laura to get a hot chocolate there and tell me whether it was good or not. Everybody got pastries (except me, of course), Rob got a mocha, and Laura got hot chocolate. Everybody seemed very happy with what they got, and now I can't wait to get a hot chocolate there--verdict: "very chocolatey, not too sweet." Yum.

It took less time to get to LAX at 7 on a Tuesday morning than at 1 pm on Saturday afternoon.

Last night I met up with my sitcom class at Moe's, down on Riverside. They had gone to see the taping of Home Improvement at Disney, but I decided to bag on that in favor of working on my Rewrite Script. We talked about writing and working in the industry.

Elias, the teacher, told a hysterical story about a friend of his who was working on a pilot for a network back in the early 80s, about two divorced women living together. The network loved the script, loved the concept, loved everything about it...they just wanted one little change.

Could the writer make the women witches?

I can't wait until I get one of those kinds of notes.

(Food note: I had the salmon and steamed vegetables and took half the salmon home. I also partook in the butterscotch blast that ended up at my end of the table--we had two for the 8 of us.)

I haven't come up with a way to get my heroine out of the tree in Act 3 in the Rewrite Script, so I printed out the new pages and a note detailing my questions/restructuring plans for the Rewrite Prof, and I'm going to drop it by USC today for him, so he can read it before we meet Friday.

Linda gave me some good notes on the additions I made to my Thesis Script, so I can pass out those new pages tomorrow in class and get feedback, the last feedback I will get before printing out a whole bunch of copies and handing them in to the thesis committee. Two years comes down to the next 10 days.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

I lost the 2 pounds that I gained last week, plus 1 more pound--I'm now at 136 (with jeans on). I fully credit Rob's cooking, which was tasty and filling and had approximately 0 calories.

I also made the decision yesterday when I went into the diet center that this month I'm doing realimentation ("beginning to eat food again") and then next month I begin maintenance, no matter what weight I'm at. These shakes are driving me nuts and frankly, I look pretty good. So it's time to see about eating again.

Yesterday I did nothing, so because I got up so early this morning, I did another 4.7 miles, in 49 minutes. I don't know whether it's the time change (shouldn't that make me sleep later?) or the exercising, but damn, I'm waking up early these days.

             Paperwork continues...


Copyright ©1998 Diane Patterson