April 5, 1998

x The Paperwork.

Rob And Laura Visit

A houseful of dog happens.

..previously on the Paperwork

Index of days
Dramatis personae
Glossary of terms

Rob and Laura and their vigilant companion, Nutmeg, unexpectedly decided to take advantage of some special rates American Airlines was offering this weekend and come down to visit.

Yesterday Darin and I drove to LAX to get Rob and Laura. There was a big of confusion as to where to meet, but eventually we met up. Rather than get right back on 405 (which was pretty crowded in both directions), we decided to stop at Dinah's near the airport, which is one installation of the fried chicken chain. This Dinah's also does pancakes.

Picture Diane, suffering.

Diane ate a small salad. Rob and Laura split a giant banana-and-walnut oven pancake--more like a small cake than a pancake--and still had some left over for breakfast today. Darin had sour cream crepes. At least no one had anything chocolate, which would have been cruel and unusual punishment, frankly.

We went home and I took a nap. I don't know what's going on with me lately; I've just been exhausted. (Couldn't be all the stress or depression or anything.)

For dinner we went to Teru Sushi, our favorite sushi place (seeing as how we haven't made it to Matsuhisa yet). I ate tuna and freshwater eel sashimi and had bits of Darin's tori goma (chicken in sesame) and one piece of Rob and Laura's California roll. Despite being completely full from this, I kept feeling food lust: the food was still there, so I wanted to eat it.

Usually when I go to bed at night, I'm freezing. And no matter what temperature it is in the house, I'm cold. (You try losing 25 pounds and see how warm you are.) Last night I kept waking up in a sweat. I have no idea what caused that.

Today Rob and I went for a run, then went to Starbuck's for some morning coffee. He and Laura ate the leftover wedge of their banana pancake (and still had some left over). Darin had a bagel with light lox shmear. Even after one shake, I was still hungry--watching them eat wasn't helping me--so I made an English muffin and ate half. The strawberry jam had more calories than the English muffin half, for those of you keeping count.

Rob and Laura wanted to go to a Hungarian restaurant that was right across the street from the apartment I lived in in Studio City, Hortobagy. Darin thought it would be fun to get Brent and Therese to come to lunch too, but they weren't home when he called.

The doorbell rang and there were Brent and Therese were at the door, with Elinor. They were in the area and decided to drop by to see if we wanted to have lunch.

So we went to Hortobagy, which I'm sure was very good, but I once again had a salad. (At a Hungarian restaurant, there was just no telling what was in the food, and I can only have 500 calories a day.) I speared 3 or 4 pieces of spaetzle. I didn't have any of anyone's dessert, amazingly enough. Everyone agreed that the food was very good--Darin wants to go back there and try several other dishes too. (Note to Darin's dad: we're going here next time you're in town.)

There was some discussion of going to see a movie, but exhaustion once again won out and Darin, Rob, Laura, and I headed home. Everyone except Darin took a nap.

Now Darin is over at the Boys' for a D&D game and Rob is threatening to cook. Yum. We just have to go to the store.

I haven't worked at all this weekend, which is bad. I have to do some writing tonight.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

Yesterday: went to the gym, did weights. I'm doing better with doing two sets, although yesterday some of my muscles just failed: I could barely do any bench presses at all, though I was able to do my tricep extensions quite handily.

Today: Rob and I went for a 3.5 mile run. Despite Rob's insistence that he hasn't been exercising much (despite hiking up Mt. Diablo and going skiing for a couple of weeks this winter), he clearly is in much better shape than I am--he's going to kick my ass at the Bay to Breakers. I had to stop for my right-side stitch again.

             Paperwork continues...


Copyright ©1998 Diane Patterson