You know something's wrong when I'm the calmest person on the Web.
(If you have no idea what I'm talking about...ennnh, don't bother. Let's just say to each his or her own, and if you don't like each's own, start your own damn Web Ring. Sheesh.)
Darin and I were both home all day. Yes, yes, I know -- we court trouble. But it worked out pretty well. If we are both at home in the future working probably one of us will have to wear headphones in order to block out the ambient noise of the other one. (This is different from the ambient music Ceej likes so much.) That's fine. Since Darin has to answer the phone and stuff, I'll take the headphones and listen to NPR.
I did quite a bit of writing today. I can tell that I'm in "crank it out, just give me something to work with" mode. Which is fine.
I can see that Darin and I are going to need to keep a calendar, preferably a month at a glance, somewhere that we can consult for the answer to "Is this day free for us to socialize with others or what?" Darin asked me about lunch tomorrow; I said, "Well, except for this other party we're supposed to go to." He called people, their people called people, shindigs got rearranged.
I've decided that, for the next few weeks at least, I have to leave it at one shindig per day. It's hard enough for me to get anything done, because I like procrastinating, and dammit, I'm rather good at it. Lessee...write or
- browse The Company Store catalogue?
- read Entertainment Weekly?
- sort through and wrap $70+ worth of coins?
I did write today, but I also did a, b, and c. Imagine how much writing I would have gotten done if I managed to stay focused? Probably another five pages (before burning out entirely). Maybe more, if I really got into the swing of things.
We watched The Tenant yesterday, this time complete and in the right order. It made more sense and was still enjoyable. If you are looking for the portrait of someone losing their mind, this is a good flick.
The teacher compared The Tenant to Repulsion a number of times. I have not seen Repulsion, but now I'm intrigued. I seem to remember someone warning me away from it, though.
Okay, okay: I have to say this at least, based simply on what I've read that was posted by the aggrieved parties:
The lady doth protest too much.