April 11, 1997

x The Paperwork.

Dropping Like Flies

Frankly, I think this may be a case for the X-Files.

..previously on the Paperwork

Index of days
Dramatis personae
Glossary of terms

There I was, minding my own business, doing a little late-night web-surfing, when I came across an announcement in Turns Into Stone that Sage had given up Coffee Shakes. "How silly," I thought. "Sage wouldn't give up Coffee Shakes. Best.com is just being finicky and Gabby can't get through, that's all."

Well, no. Sage has stopped doing Coffee Shakes, and clearly I am so out of it I didn't even know why. Something about on-line harrassment -- did she write about this in an entry and I just haven't been keeping up? Incredibly possible.

All things evolve, all things change. Or maybe it's the solar flares, or Hale-Bopp, or the effects of Martian death rays that the government hasn't told us about. This whole on-line thing just feels weird somehow right now. I've noticed that many journal writers aren't posting as often as they used to (including yours truly) and several of the ones who have been around for a while are getting out of the journaling biz.

Meanwhile, Open Pages is growing like a three-year-old on growth hormone, and I've decided to chalk this up to the omnipresence of geocities -- get a geocities page, start a web journal. And while I'm glad that there are so many people out there who want to communicate with the outside world, I'm disheartened that there are so many people who do a poor or uninteresting job of it. (For my tastes, okay? Christ, let's not go down that road again.)

Note to Northern California people: please drop me a line every so often, so I know what you're doing too. Except Ceej, of course -- I know what she's doing.

Yesterday in Script Analysis class we watched The Tenant, a very bizarre Roman Polanski film that I saw several years ago with my friend Damon. I didn't remember it at all, however. I can be sure that I didn't remember it at all because we saw the film with a)a couple of the later reels out of order and b)one of the reels missing and no one noticed. It is, like I said, fairly bizarre, and the teacher had mentioned to us that it's a film with an untrustworthy narrator, so as an audience we just accepted what was happening. Next week we see it right-side-up, which oughta be fun. Quite a few of us liked the "Projectionist's Cut" we saw, so it's anybody's guess what we'll think next week.

Last night Dave Feldman blew into town, and he and I went out to dinner at Stanley's on Ventura Blvd. Darin joined us there later for dessert, then the two of them stayed up until all hours of the morning playing Obsidian. CJ-item: Darin liked this game a whole lot. Dave stayed here last night, so we've finally had a guest. I must ask him how he liked the guest room.

Today I went over to Babylonian and photocopied conceptual art. It's hard to work up any sort of enthusiasm for going to an internship when I have so many other things on my plate, like getting a script ready for the upcoming screenplay contests. But I have promised to do it, so come hell or high water, I'm going over there. Unless I call first and Jeffrey says he doesn't need me.

             Paperwork continues...


Copyright ©1997 Diane Patterson