So, I published a novel.
I can give you the same blurb I published at Amazon but instead here’s the short version: Drusilla Thorne has to figure out who murdered her husband before the police figure out who she is.
Drusilla’s a favorite character of mine — I wrote my thesis script at USC about her. My main problem with amateur sleuths is always they’re always such wholesome people. How on Earth do these nice, trustworthy people keep getting involved with murder? I decided to make things easier on myself* by making her not such a wholesome person. You Know Who I Am is what one** might term an ironic title.
At the moment the book is only at Amazon. I decided to do Kindle Select — meaning the book is exclusively available on Amazon for the next 90 days — in order to let me figure this whole e-publishing thing out for myself. I mean, I have tons of theoretical knowledge. Trust me, there’s nothing I’ve ever done in my life that I haven’t analyzed to death before doing it.
But you know the difference between theory and practice, right? In theory, there is no difference.
In the past 24 hours, I discovered that I screwed up the Copyright page and had to reupload. Scrivener*** has made publishing the book in various formats completely trivial and I still screwed up the Copyright page.
And…now I’d better get around to finishing**** Book 2, so I can get this damn series going.
* Ha, I tell you. Ha.
** That one being me, natch.
*** If you’re a writer, stop screwing around and buy this software immediately. Sheesh.
**** By which I mean, writing.
“My main problem with amateur sleuths is always they’re always such wholesome people. How on Earth do these nice, trustworthy people keep getting involved with murder?”
Why I like the Tart Noir genre. No doubt why these women are getting involved – it’s just a step closer to the deep end for them! Lauren Henderson and Liza Cody have it down.
Holy moly! I haven’t heard the term “tart noir” in a long time! I looooved Lauren Henderson’s Sam Jones books: I ordered them all from the UK.
Antiheroes are somewhat in now…I guess I’ll find out how somewhat-kind-of antiheroines are liked. 🙂
I reread it now that you are published. I still like it! It’s great to have so many loose ends to work with in the next book. I think that Hawaii, New Orleans and Alaska could be interesting parts of the next one.
I love that you have footnotes for you blog post.