You already saw The Hunger Games this weekend. You don’t need my opinion of it.
Okay: it’s really good, it definitely evokes the spirit of the book, Jennifer Lawrence is clearly a little too old to play Katniss but she’s really good and there are few if any 16 year old actresses who could have done this role. All the movie forgot with the ending was the title card: “Coming next summer: Catching Fire.”
You know that movie execs have been prostrate in front of Suzanne Collins all weekend, begging her to add 5 or 15 more books to the Hunger Games trilogy.
The previews before The Hunger Games were interesting for how the audience reacted:
- Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter made the audience laugh. The movie will have to be really good to overcome the audience’s reaction that this idea is too silly for words. The preview is expanded over the initial one, with more explanation of just what in the hell this movie is about.
- The new Spider-Man reminds us that it’s never too soon for a reboot! In fact, I think the reboot of The Hunger Games should be in theaters this fall. Andrew Garfield looks pretty good as Spidey. I have no idea of who the villains are or why they felt it necessary to bring Spidey back again, but I’ll probably be there.
- The Avengers preview I’ve just seen one too many times now. I don’t want to see this again before the movie comes out.
- Twilight: Breaking Dawn: Part II… I don’t even know how to gauge the audience reaction on this one. Embarrassed giggles? People talking right through it? Explosive laughter when Kristin Stewart is eyeing the deer as a tasty, tasty snack?
The girls in our theatre squealed for the Twilight trailer; I closed my eyes and thought of England. I was also embarrassed to think Abe Lincoln was really hot. But we didn’t get Avengers – sadly, we got freaking Battleship.
Abraham Lincoln is totally hot in the preview, which is part of what’s messing with people’s expectations (“Hey, he’s our ugly President who just stood still in a lot of photos!”).
I’ve seen the Battleship one a couple of times myself, and my reaction to it was summed up perfectly by 9 year old Simon, who hasn’t even seen the trailer: “Who thought that movie was a good idea?” I know why Hollywood develops these properties, but SHEESH.
And Gods, I’m so happy this is the final Twilight movie. I’m glad Sophia hasn’t gotten into them yet — if she brings one home, I’m having a serious talk with her about why these books are NOT OKAY (and yes, I have read the first one).
I figure I’ll see Hunger Games at some point…
A hot Abraham Lincoln just seems so weird. I’m so looking forward to that movie though!!
Battleship – This movie looks so stupid but explosions, aliens, and Alexander Skarsgard in a uniform? um. yes. I’ll take it! =)