In no particular order:
- Super what? No, I’m not going to be all self-congratulatory. I hate it when people are all “Modern culture’s got nothin’ on me, man.” I honestly have zero interest in professional football and it really wouldn’t occur to me to spend 4 hours watching a commercial fest interspersed with bits of a football game. I used to watch baseball, but that ended in 1993.
- I ran on Thursday. I ran this morning. I didn’t run far, but given that I think I may have run twice in all of January, I’m feeling pretty good about it. You don’t have to plan out your exercise regime for the rest of your life. Just for today.
- I’m starting BJ Fogg’s Tiny Little Habits program tomorrow. When he sent out the materials on how it works, I said, “Ohhhh.” Yeah, duh. Anyhow, I picked a few things to work on. I’ll report back later this week as to the program’s effectiveness.
- Man, if you want to get a lot of hits on your blog, just talk about ebooks versus physical books. Also: the curly hair method.
- I drove to Union Square yesterday to have lunch with a friend. Getting into San Francisco is a pain in the ass. Getting out of San Francisco requires wiliness and stealth and maybe rocket launchers. If you’re leaving from Union Square garage, what in the best way to get out of the city? It took me about 25 minutes to get to the freeway on-ramp on 4th Street and I was a nervous wreck by the time I got there.
- Turns out everyone else in town decided this Starbucks was a good place to spend time during the game as well.
- This Nissan travel mug is basically the greatest travel mug ever.
- I didn’t have my phone with me today. It’s amazing how naked and out of touch I feel now without it. My phone, my self.
I just signed up for the tiny little habits.
Yay! I’m glad you like the mug =) I need to get one for myself.