You know, I haven’t done this for a while, and confession is always good for the soul. And now…10 Short Shameful Confessions (with a bonus confession!)*.
* Now edited to include more shame.
- I don’t actually think that many things are awesome. I say “Awesome” because it’s expected, but most of the time I’m really “Meh.”
- I don’t check my site stats or how many people are following me on Twitter or anything like that. I feel as though I’ve missed the purpose of the internet not caring, or I should get really into it and try to really attract a following or something. Perhaps I don’t care as a way of pre-emptively dealing with failure at not being a top blogger?
- I set up Google alerts to send me mentions of when my name or Darin’s is mentioned anywhere, and now I’m just annoyed when I actually receive the alert emails. I am too lazy to discontinue them.
- I have ever only seen one episode of “American Idol,” and that was from the first season. I don’t understand the continual AI hysteria and feel like I am watching a mind-control experiment on the general population. I secretly think the people who watch AI would be better served by finding another hobby.
- Entertainment Weekly is the only thing standing between me and complete and total cultural ignorance. I sound like I know so much more than I do, and it’s only because of EW.
- I’m sad we don’t go to ComicCon any more. It does sound like it’s become a complete and total circus now (which is hilarious, given what a circus we thought it was 10 years ago). At the size it is now, it wouldn’t be fun, it would be wall-to-wall work, so why do I care?
- I have become completely and totally bored with gossip, whether about people I know or celebrities. Especially celebrities: yes, they’re deeply fucked up people, but speaking badly about them doesn’t make me feel better. And if there’s some topic concerning a friend I could gossip about, I think I’d rather discuss the matter with the friend than someone else. The worst part about this: I find myself being mildly judgmental about other people who gossip, and that’s perhaps worse than the original gossiping. So I have to stop that.
- There is, in fact, only one celebrity on the planet I want to meet, and I have it on very good authority that I don’t really want to meet this person (as is usually true for the celebrities you admire or lust after or whatever—trust me, for the most part you don’t want to meet them). So I’m cool with it…but still, I feel kind of stupid for actually wanting to meet a celebrity.
- All of a sudden, out of nowhere, I started coveting a Mercedes SL. The second I did, I began to see them everywhere (which isn’t hard, given that much of the Silicon Valley looks like downtown Düsseldorf). You might have to know me in person to know how unlikely it is that I would covet not only a car, but a wildly impractical car (for both my everyday life and my values). I’m understanding midlife crises a whole bunch better now. I am also hoping the phase passes.
- I switched from ice cream to soymilk ice creams and coconut milk ice creams. I made a whole lot of drama in my head about my great sacrifice and I don’t miss the real stuff at all.
- Secretly, I feel I deserve some sort of prize for this.
Items 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 10 are not shameful. I’d say fail and start over, but item 11 makes up for it.
I have now updated the shame content. Stop mistaking these for therapy! I save the serious shit for therapy.
1) Funny, I say awesome a lot but that’s because I find a lot of things “awesome” – there’s a low bar.
2) Is one supposed to check their stats? huh.
8) I think I know who you’re talking about.
9) ick. what happened to the MiniCooper? That was a midlife crisis car I could get behind, at least.
10) Have you tried Tofutti Cuties? SO GOOD!
Yes, the kids and I love Tofutti Cuties and the local Whole Foods no longer carries them. WTF? (I know, I should, like, ask the WF why they’re not carrying them, but every time I’m there I forget to ask. Doh!)
And the MIni Cooper wasn’t MY midlife crisis. An electric convertible Mini Cooper…now there’s a midlife crisis I’d be willing to have. But the regular kind. Nah.
Ahhhh, make your own ice cream. Treat yourself!