I read a book last night—it’s either marketed paranormal romance or urban fantasy; those seem to be the same categories these days—that was okay. I think it suffered a lot from sophomore-itis, and that’s a problem a lot of authors run across. Three years for first book, eight months for next one. So, I can live with that.
However, one of the scenes in the book featured one of the most disturbing sex scenes I’ve ever read. I myself don’t find vampires at all sexy— hello, they’re DEAD—but this scene was, I think, supposed to be uber-sexy and I was simply appalled. You know how drinking blood is supposed to be the equivalent of sex to a vampire? Take that to the nth degree. I’m wondering if I’m going to pick up book 3 because not only was the scene icky (it’s a technical term) but it made me dislike the characters.
I don’t think all sex scenes have to be sexy. All they have to do is move the plot along (which, come to think of it, this scene didn’t do either). But I wondered if there was a serious disconnect between me and most readers of paranormal romance/urban fantasy, because none of the reviews on Amazon mention this particular scene in the book, and it’s all I remember.
Which book/series was it? I’ve read a lot of vampire lit lately and am wondering if I read this one and just didn’t find that scene remarkable.
I’m also curious which book/series it was.
The reason I haven’t posted the name of the book/series is that a)this is the Internet and stuff does get around (hello, Google Alerts!) and b)from what I can tell in reviews and such, NO ONE ELSE HAS BEEN BOTHERED BY THIS. Which makes me think, Maybe it IS just me.