So, there is a movement afoot to take next year’s Foothill New Works Festival to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Pretty much the major reason why we wouldn’t do it is if the American dollar goes to, I dunno, 3 or 4 to the British pound. But! Doctor Who as Hamlet! I am so there! Must. Go. To. UK. Somehow. Go, Apple stock!
Please to watch this absolutely brilliant four-minute-long opening credits sequence for The Kingdom, which manages to cover the salient history between Saudi Arabia and the US. I still have no interest in seeing this movie (despite the presence of the ever-awesome Jason Bateman), but this sequence: Wow. When’s the last time you saw a credits sequence this memorable? (For that matter, when’s the last time you saw a credits sequence? Seems like they’ve been missing from every movie we’ve seen recently.) (Via Making Light)
Speaking of movies you should see or Netflix immediately: The King of Kong. I have to say, I wasn’t that thrilled about going to see a movie about a showdown between two Donkey Kong players (I don’t even like arcade games), but this documentary about what happens when a guy decides he wants to beat the high score in Donkey Kong is fabulous. I am so happy Darin and I went out of our way to see it in downtown San Jose.
Have you ever said to yourself, “Self, I need a Hostess cupcake that’s bigger than my head”? Well, if so, Nicole at Baking Bites has felt your pain, made the band-aid, given you pictures and a recipe.
Jon Carroll gets right on the whole no-gays-in-Iran thing, discovers there are some who “believe that Iranians will like any group of Americans that doesn’t try to kill them.”
There are approximately 8 million people in the greater Los Angeles area, at least 2 million of whom have SAG cards. And the producers of the number one hit show on TV from last year couldn’t find at least FIVE who could do a decent Irish accent for the opening show of the season?
Speaking of the fall season, is there anything out there that I absolutely, positively must catch amongst the new shows? We watched Moonlight because of Jason Dohring (he of Veronica Mars fame), and our JD love remains intact because he was the only good thing in this amazingly horrible pile of dreck — he managed to deliver unsayable dialogue with panache. The rest of the show was poorly written, poorly acted, and poorly stitched together. We had to turn it off halfway through, and we never turn off shows.
We’ve also watched Reaper (yay, Ray Wise, but we liked this show much better when it was called Brimstone) and Chuck (yay, Adam Baldwin, but sorry, dude: you’ll find a better show eventually).
Darin really likes Mad Men (the portrayal of women’s roles in 1960 gives me the heaves — let me just put it this way: I hate it when I hear a woman mutter that she doesn’t believe in feminism, and this show perfectly dramatizes why).
My God, Torchwood is silly stuff. The big mystery to us is how Captain Jack kept his American aviator’s coat in such perfect condition for the past 60 years — perhaps he had one made up in alien fabric.
Have you ever said to yourself, “Self, I need a wrist rest that’s both useful and funky”? If so, the people at the What On Earth catalogue have felt your pain and produced the Baguette Wrist Rest. (Via Nicole at Baking Bites.)
The ever-fabulous Otto passes along the best of Craiglist Boise:
Reply to:
CALL xxx-xxxx
——————–Free Llamas–You catch, you haul
Reply to: see below
Date: 2007-10-02, 10:00AM MDTWe have three llamas that we don’t have time for. They’re free, but you need to catch them (in a corral) and haul them. One young male, one adult male and one adult female. These llamas have NOT been trained for packing. Please call Tony at xxx-xxxx.
Regarding accents in Heroes, Mohinder’s Indian accent is really English, more or less. Sendhil Ramamurthy is from Chicago but went to drama school in London and joined the Royal Shakespeare Company. And Santiago Cabrera (Isaac Mendez) also has an English accent.
Ramamurthy still can’t act his way out of a paper bag. Very pretty, no acting. I don’t care who he studied with.
Re: Englishmen on US TV: this season we are suffering the curse of Hugh Laurie: they’re all Brits doing American accents (with varying degrees of success). Except for Moonlight, which has an Australian as well as a Brit. Yes, I know Anthony LaPaglia is also Australian, but he’s pre-invasion.
Upside: they’ll manage to bring David Tennant or John Simm over here. Downside: and probably stick them in the latest incarnation of ER.
I didn’t mean to imply that Ramamurthy was a great actor, only that he was cunningly repurposing his English accent as Indian.
I once saw a scene in Without a Trace in which Anthony LaPaglia and Poppy Montgomery (also an Australian) were talking to each other, both of them gradually slipping back into Australian accents.